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Youth Month Content Feature

Join Bizcommunity's Business Directory, the largest multi-industry news website in SA

Special offer: Order before 31 Dec 2021 and get a Biz Press Office for only R14000.00pa!

  • Order in search
  • Search appearance
  • Search categories
  • Services listed
  • Email address
  • Logo
  • Profile
  • Press releases
  • Press release credits may also be used for:

Free listing


  • Our entry-level listing
  • Example: Example
  • Order in search: 3rd
  • Search appearance: Name only
  • Search categories: 1
  • Services listed: 3
  • Email address
  • Logo
  • Profile: 30 words
  • Press releases
  • Press release credits may also be used for:

Biz Listing


  • Upgrade Promo - R2400
  • Full page showcase with image, logo and company details
  • Example: Example
  • Order in search 2nd
  • Search appearance: Bold company name
  • Search categories: 3
  • Services listed: 10
  • Email address
  • Logo
  • Full page profile with images of your choice
  • Press releases
  • Press release credits may also be used for:

Biz Press Office

The cost of the Biz Press Office packages depends on the number of press releases and options required. For more information, please contact +27 21 404 1460 or

  • Upgrade Promo - R14000
  • Multi-page, Ordered first in search,
    12 press releases for branded company news on the front page of Bizcommunity and newsletters
  • Example: Example, Example
  • Order in search 1st
  • Search appearance: Name, logo & description - view example
  • Search categories: 5
  • Services listed: 20
  • Email address
  • Logo
  • Multi-page profile with images, multimedia and social media widgets
  • 12 press releases
  • Press release credits may also be used for:
    Job ads
    Featured events
    Promoted content
    Display banner ads

Platinum Press Office

The cost of the Platinum Press Office packages depends on the number of press releases and options required. For more information, please contact +27 21 404 1460 or

  • Multi-page, Ordered first in search,
    50 press releases for branded company news on the front page of Bizcommunity and newsletters
  • Example: Example
  • Order in search: 1st
  • Search appearance: Name, logo & description - view example
  • Search categories: 5
  • Services listed: 20
  • Email address
  • Logo
  • Multi-page profile with images, multimedia and social media widgets
  • 50 press releases
  • Press release credits may also be used for:
    Job ads
    Featured events
    Promoted content
    Display banner ads
Contact us today on or call 0860 812 000
to discuss your unique requirements.

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