16 Oct 2012



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Impressive EX joins Infiniti line-up
[Henrie Geyser: motoring editor] The top end of the compact SUV market is no longer the almost exclusive playing field of the three German badges because an impressive newcomer by the name of Infiniti is setting its sights on a slice of that lucrative market segment. Read more >>

Women vote Range Rover Evoque as Overall Women's Car of the Year for 2012
The winners of the 2012 WOW Women's Car of the Year Awards have been announced with that Range Rover Evoque taking the Overall Women's Car of the Year award for 2012. Read more >>


Pumba in paradise
[Brian Berkman: contributing editor, travel] Just a hop, skip and jump away from Grahamstown towards Port Elizabeth is Pumba Private Game Reserve. Read more >>


Sweet Stilte
[Daniel Dercksen] If you are a fan of Afrikaans films and looking for an inspirational story about a superstar singer who finds spiritual healing in the arms of a handsome young small-town pastor, then Stilte should be on your to-see list. Read more >>

Wolwedans In Die Skemer
[Daniel Dercksen] From its alluring title to its mutation from popular radio serial in the 1970s to television series and now film (and also novel), Leon van Nierop's Wolwedans In Die Skemer is melodrama in action. Read more >>


Plug in with A-trak and Hudson Mohawke at the next #5GumExperience
A-trak and Hudson Mohawke (HudMo) will be stimulating your senses at the next #5GumExperience at two new, secret locations on 26 October in Jozi, and 27 October 2012 in Cape Town. Read more >>

Xzibit for one-off Joburg performance
American rapper, actor and host of the MTV show Pimp my Ride, Alvin Nathaniel Joiner, better known by his stage nameXzibit, will be playing a one-off performance in Joburg during the first week of December, 2012. The venue is yet to be confirmed. Read more >>


100 days to Afcon 2013 kick-off
According to Allafrica.com, the Gauteng provincial government has called on locals to get behind the 2013 African Cup of Nations (Afcon) tournament with 100 days to go before its South African kick-off. Read more >>


Last two days of Baxter Dance Festival
[Debbie Hathway] The eighth annual Baxter Dance Festival at the Baxter Theatre ends on Saturday and there are two more programmes to see. This platform for established and emerging dancers and choreographers this year comprised 50 pieces of varying dance styles performed by about 300 dancers. Read more >>

Michael Jackson lives on in HIStory!
[Eugene Yiga] "Music has been my outlet, my gift to all the lovers in this world," Michael Jackson once said. "Through it, my music, I know I will live forever." Well, based on Kenny Wizz's spectacular performance in HIStory II, the king of pop won't be going out of our lives any time soon. Read more >>

Like a Champ
[Daniel Dercksen] Goldilocks and the Three Bears will never be the same, ever again, particularly after her encounter with one frisky bear! Louis Viljoen's deliciously wicked and hilariously insane Champ will change your perceptions about the innocence of children, and the juvenile delinquency of adults. Read more >>

FHM SA Brandy Cocktail Awards

Christian Eedes Top 10 Chardonnay Report


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