24 Apr 2012

IT & Telecommunications


'Dear Mr President...'

With a few days and counting to the imposition of e-tolling, Fedusa has entered the fray - along with a range of other bodies - in an effort to halt what must be ranked as one of the most deeply unpopular moves on the part of government. Fedusa has addressed an open letter to Zuma after, apparently, an earlier letter to him went unanswered - maybe he was busy on those wedding plans.

On the education front, we didn't come out of the recent World Literacy Summit in the UK smelling of roses because when it comes to literacy, SA comes bottom of the class. Apparently the experts are puzzled as to 'how can this be?' Well, here are a couple of ideas for discussion... Under-trained teachers, bad management, lack of discipline in the classroom, lack of textbooks, a teachers' union that often seems more intent on striking than teaching... that sort of thing?

There's good news for those in ICT - Cape Town is to host the international ICT Indaba 2012 and strategies on how Africa can be developed to be become the next boom market in the ICT sector look to be high on the agenda.

For our e-tag carrier enthusiasts, our motoring editor Henrie Geyser waxes lyrical on the Kia Optima, which Henrie describes as smart, sensible and stylish... again, very much like our Henrie, then.

Surprise - some good news for a change from the Eastern Cape... If you're planning on flying anywhere in the next few years, there's good news for you... the man (or woman - must be PC) at the sharp end up at the front should be pretty good as an Eastern Cape pilot training school has linked up with Boeing to train pilots.

Finally - and still up in the air - kulula feels deeply for those of us who are brave enough to have four wives. So, appreciating that the cost of lugging her along with you can be heavy, the airline has just launched a '4th wife flies free' offer. The only drawback we can see is that the offer is open to all fourth wives when the family travels together on the Joburg to Cape Town leg - so if you live in Durban, hard cheese.

Rod Baker, content director

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Cape Town to host international ICT Indaba 2012
Pans to formulate an African agenda to boost the ICT sector on the rest of the continent are to be finalised at the inaugural four-day ICT Indaba 2012 in June. Several ICT expert speakers and delegates from various countries in Africa and throughout the world are set discuss the strategies of how Africa can be developed to be become the next boom market in the ICT sector. Read more >>

New WASPA Management Committee announced
The 2012 Management Committee (Mancom) of the Wireless Application Service Providers' Association of SA (WASPA) has been announced and is much the same as before, save for the inclusion of Ryan Birkin who takes over from Gavin Penkin. Read more >>

Internet experts invited to enter for ISPA's iWeek
The Internet Service Providers' Association of SA (ISPA) has embarked on its annual search for the internet industry's best and brightest who are invited to speak at iWeek 2012. Taking place in September 2012, the industry's annual get together that attracts speakers and delegates from several countries worldwide, will this year be hosted in Century City, Cape Town. Read more >>

Africa realises importance of ICT for economic growth
Today, more than 70% of the world's citizens live in societies that have just begun their digitisation journey. As the individuals and enterprises in these societies continue to progress in developing their own digitisation capabilities, they will only increase and accelerate these economic and social benefits. Read more >>

National ICT policy under spotlight at colloquim
The Department of Communications will be hosting a National ICT Policy Colloquium on 19 and 20 April at Gallagher Estate in Midrand, Gauteng. The aim of the colloquium is to start a process of reviewing all the government ICT policies that have been in existence since 1994. Read more >>


Using digital tools in the classroom
[Amy Johnson] Chalkboards, paper workbooks and manual marking could become obsolete in the next few decades if predictions are anything to go by. This is an exciting prospect for teachers who have embraced technological advances. Conversely, many educators still remain apprehensive about these drastic changes. Read more >>


What WACS really means for SA consumers
[Craig Wilson] Next month, the gigantic West African Cable System (WACS) will come online, bringing around 400Gbit/s of submarine fibre capacity to SA at launch. But what does this increase in capacity mean for SA consumers and internet service providers? Read more >>


Icasa's frequency issuing delay enrages telecoms
Government information technology company Sentech sits idle with technology that promises not only greater connectivity, but increases the speed of doing business and can contribute millions to the economy, Fin24 reports. Read more >>


Germany, SA initiative to boost local innovation
CAPE TOWN: A research co-operation initiative between Germany and South Africa can help South Africa develop more local innovations, the Minister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor said on Monday, 16 April 2012. Read more >>

VoIP carriers attack last bastion of mobile telecoms cost
[Rob Lith] As high mobile telephony and data costs are steadily whittled down by regulation and innovative Voice over IP-enabled communication models, exorbitant roaming costs are among the last remaining bastions of high mobile charges. Read more >>


Integrating security into software development
[Anton van Heerden] Security needs to form an integral part of the complete systems development life cycle and beyond, from the requirement definition to retirement of application. The objective of secure software development is to design, implement, configure, and sustain software systems with security already built in. Read more >>

Mintel launches new social media report series
LONDON, UK: Mintel has announced a new series of reports examining consumer behaviour with brands both online and offline. Read more >>

Digital Media Europe: Extending brands digitally
LONDON, UK: As newspaper publishers launch digital initiatives and experiment with various business models, they should not underestimate the power of their brands, the importance of creating value from their customers, and they should make the audience's user experience top priority. Those were some of the key takeaways for the nearly 300 media executives from 50 countries who attended Digital Media Europe 2012 in London last week. Read more >>

March 2012 US online video rankings
RESTON, US: comScore, Inc, a leader in measuring the digital world, today released data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that 181 million US Internet users watched nearly 37 billion online content videos in March, while video ads topped 8 billion for the first time on record. Read more >>

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