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SA's online content regulation: A legal minefield
[Leigh Andrews] You may need to rethink how easily you click on 'I accept' messages online as these can be legally binding, even without a digital signature due to click wrap agreements, say Pria Chetty and Denise Fouche of EndCode... read more>>

Commercial Law
Automotive code of conduct promotes fair business practices
In October, Rob Davies prescribed the South African Automotive Industry Code of Conduct, accrediting an alternate dispute resolution scheme... read more>>
'Too big to fail, too big to jail' sentiment must change
There needs to be more of a deterrent for individuals committing financial crimes, says Caroline da Silva, deputy executive officer at the Financial Services Board (FSB)... read more>>
Big win for banks against sureties in context of business rescue

Grant Ford and Yaniv Kleitman

Ever since the new business rescue regime, contained in Chapter 6 of the Companies Act, came into force in May 2011 there has been much anticipation as to how courts would treat sureties... read more>>
Baker & McKenzie expands Africa Banking & Finance practice
Global law firm Baker & McKenzie has expanded its growing Africa Banking & Finance offering with the addition of two new partners in Johannesburg... read more>>
Mondi granted access to information used by the Commission to initiate complaint

Leana Engelbrecht

On 12 November 2014, the North Gauteng High Court issued its reasons in respect of the interlocutory application brought by Mondi Limited (Mondi) against the Competition Commission... read more>>
Interpretation of fiscal legislation

Emil Brincker

The judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal in Commissioner SARS v Bosch (394/2013) [2014] ZASCA 171 (19 November 2014) (Bosch case) dealing with the fiscal consequences of a deferred delivery transaction is not only important in the context of the meaning of simulation, but also with reference to the way in which legislation should be interpreted... read more>>
No evidence justifying penalty

Heinrich Louw

Judgment was handed down in the Tax Court on 18 November 2014 in the case of AB (Pty) Ltd v The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (case number 1132, as yet unreported)... read more>>
Relationship between Companies Act and constitutional documents

Justine Krige

The Companies Act, No 71 of 2008, provided for a two-year transitional period during which existing companies could file (without charge) an amendment to its articles of association to bring it in line with the Companies Act... read more>>
Criminal Law
A key(point) ruling
NEWSWATCH: The Minister of Police has been ordered to hand over the list of national key points to R2K and other parties, reports Mail & Guardian... read more>>
SA rates poorly in corruption index
NEWSWATCH: Mail & Guardian reports that South Africa has yet again been rated poorly in the latest Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index... read more>>
Environmental Law
New Alien and Invasive Species Regulations impact on property sales

Louis Kruger

The National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (No. 10 of 2004) (NEMBA) was promulgated in 2004. This act aims to provide the framework, norms, and standards for the conservation, sustainable use, and equitable benefit-sharing of South Africa's biological resources... read more>>
Land & Property Law
Eviction not as easy as Pie
The Prevention of Illegal Occupation Act (also called the Pie Act) "leans over backwards" to alleviate suffering for the tenant... read more>>
Law Practice
Nott appointed as director at Norton Rose Fulbright
Greg Nott has been appointed as head of Norton Rose Fulbright's Africa practice in South Africa... read more>>
Will court-based mediation alleviate burden on courts?
On Monday, 1 December 2014, a pilot project came into effect in terms of which designated Magistrate's Courts in Gauteng and the North West have introduced court based mediation... read more>>
Steve Jobs gives posthumous testimony in Apple trial
NEW YORK CITY, US: Three years after the tech world mourned his passing, Apple mastermind Steve Jobs was back from the dead on Friday giving posthumous testimony in a video at a US antitrust trial... read more>>
More International
Jobs offered

Steve Jobs
"My favourite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time."

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RT @GroundUp_News: Brusson Finance scam raises troubling questions about the big banks. http://t.co/yeufyZeyNI @LRC_SouthAfrica - Tue Dec 09
RT @barrybateman: #OscarPistorius Nel: we will argue that the sentence was shockingly inappropriate and does not fit the crime. BB - Tue Dec 09
EFF to lay complaint against Hlophe - The EFF is to approach the JSC to lay a complaint against Western Cape Judge... http://t.co/9AHvd2dwXX - Tue Dec 09
Racism is not free speech. It is an offence. - Zille http://t.co/8pp9cWCmqA via @http://twitter.com/PolityZA - Tue Dec 09
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