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Newspapers Forums South Africa

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Why do media buyers/strategists and PR & marketing agencies ignore community media??

Media buyers and PR and marketing agencies seem to ignore community media (TV, radio, Print), even though SAARF stats proves success. 6 Sep 2011

information search

I am a student of Business Management and Marketing at the IES Francesc Ferrer i Guardia in Sant Joan Despi (Barcelona). I have to do a commercial research about editorial marketing posted in newspapers from other countries I'm interesting in SouthAfrican newspapers. 13 Apr 2011

Engaging the media on the media appeals tribunal matter

As an ordinary citizen (not a media person, nor a high-ranking ANC member) I would like to engage the editor [and the media] on the media appeals tribunal matter, seeing as the editorial [on], for two releases, has gone on about the negative impact this proposed tribunal will have on media freedom. 3 Aug 2010

Government bias media

I read comments and reports from the commercial media and its "credible" senior editors, but cannot help but notice the panic about the new competition which promises to advocate for positive South Africa. 2 Aug 2010

National Geographic quick request: African/South African time travel films/TV etc?

I'm working on a short piece for National Geographic's website comparing time travel devices in various countries movies, but haven't found any examples from Africa. Can you help? 26 Mar 2010

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Freelance journalists - please help!

I need some information about freelancing during the recession please. 9 Mar 2010

Sub Editor's Test

Please advise how I could obtain a copy of the standard sub editor's test for my personal use? 24 Feb 2010

What do you need to study to become a publisher?

What does publishing entail and what sort of studying is required. 7 Jan 2010

Calling all subeditors

Need a place where you can vent, discuss grammar and post the latest pic of a homeless apostrophe? 23 Feb 2009

What comes first - freelance or newspaper/magazine work to start off a career?

With freelancing as the long term goal, do I have to start my career at a newspaper or get straight into it? 24 Nov 2008

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How do I gain entry to Sunday Times, Mail&Guardian and Independant on Sunday as an Intern

The mainstream English newspapers should be accessible to junior journalists fresh from the desk. 19 Nov 2008

Market-related salary

What is a market-related salary for a chief sub-editor at a daily newspaper? 31 Oct 2008

When Journalsits do not do their jobs properly, you get- Catwalk, the comma and the Combrink.

Journalists did not confirm their sources at Catwalk Fourways Mall 15 Sep 2008

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Business Day website

Why are they not following the trend and revamping their website? 17 Jul 2008

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Was the Bullard perhaps too much of a Bull? 16 Apr 2008

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S A Home Loans Hitler advert is offensive, and misses local market.

Hitlers image in advertising for SA Home Loans is offensive, and insensitive to the families of the millions who were murdered over race and land. 22 Jan 2008

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Deon Maas and Tim du Plessis

Rapport decides to stop a short-lived Maas column after threats of boycotts from readers following a column saying even Satanists should be allowed freedom of religion. 15 Nov 2007

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SABC's blistering attack on SA media

The SABC on Friday withdrew from the South African National Editors Forum (SANEF) in a scathing attack on the organisation and the respected media editors and publishing houses that are members of this august body. SANEF has responded and called for a meeting to try resolve the issue. today publishes the full text of the extraordinary SABC letter. 4 Sep 2007

Internship stress

Internship for journalism students hard to find. 28 May 2007


Why do some newspapers like The Daily Voice print explicit images of serious crime victims and turn it into a sensation? 24 May 2007

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Sowetan Freedom Day ad: parody or reality check?

Do you think the controversial Sowetan advert parodying Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech should have been banned by the SABC? Should it have been run at all by the Sowetan when Freedom Day is supposed to be a celebration or was the newspaper giving South Africans a reality check? 3 May 2007

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media ethics and codes

Don`t exist. 7 Mar 2007

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What does it take to get a community newspaper going?

I have run a community newsletter in my local community and would now like to take it further than the double-sided A4 sheet. 22 Aug 2006

The role of a press club

What role should a press club play in the media world, and what should it aim for? 10 Oct 2005

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Front page horror pic

I can never understand the kind of reasoning that informs the content on the Daily Sun. Yesterday, I saw a front page picture of the daily - a gruesome picture of somebody whose face was burned. 8 Feb 2005

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What is Johnnic doing to Sowetan?

The low down dirty headlines are not working, they might for the Daily Sun but not for the average Sowetan readers, which is why they read Sowetan and not the Daily Sun. 10 Nov 2004

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How about a second Afrikaans Sunday paper?

Rapport is become so sensational and is simply not catering for 'forward-thinking' Afrikaners (yes, believe it or not -- we are out here!!)... 8 Nov 2004

Daily Sun makes no ethics sense

In this new culture of journalistic titillation {as perpetuated by the Daily Sun}, we teach our readers that trivia is significant, that the lurid and the loopy are more important than real news. 9 Sep 2004

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