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Marketing & Media South Africa

The Thought Leadership Digibates is a series of monthly industry digital debates, organised by Aegis Media,
brought to you by Bizcommunity and audio-streamed live via

Episode 11: How can business change the sustainability conversation to Future Proof Africa? | #AegisTL #Podcast

Part I | If we are to Future Proof Africa, we need a sustainability Revolution. What role does communication play in this?

Date: 7 November 2013 | Length: 16:28min | File size: 23.7MB
Part II | What are some of these unexpected consequences and what are the risks to companies either embracing transparency and authenticity as a communication strategy or ignoring it at their own peril?

Date: 7 November 2013 | Length: 17:51min | File size: 25.7MB

Part III | Do we actually need a new word for sustainability? Should that word be Future Proof?

Date: 7 November 2013 | Length: 14:04min | File size: 20.3MB

Part IV | What role can African businesses play to Future Proof Africa and ensure Africa can deliver Enough, For All, Forever.

Date: 7 November 2013 | Length: 08:02min | File size: 11.6MB

Part V | Is business keeping up with this shift in consciousness and are they doing enough to educate and communicate sustainability to an aspirational and demanding Africa?

Date: 7 November 2013 | Length: 09:20min | File size: 14.5MB

Part VI | Is the marketing and advertising sector guilty of not future-proofing their own or their clients businesses by not seeing the major marketing opportunities of embracing true sustainability? What should advertising agencies be doing to change this?

Date: 7 November 2013 | Length: 08:51min | File size: 5.23MB

Episode 10: Is Africa leading the creative revolution globally? | #Digibate - Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Part I | The African market

Date: 25 April 2013 | Length: 13:20min | File size: 12.2MB
Part II | Creativity on the continent

Date: 25 April 2013 | Length: 10:20min | File size: 19.47MB

Part III | Client perspective on Africa

Date: 25 April 2013 | Length: 07:00min | File size: 6.41MB

Part IV | Markets: North to South

Date: 25 April 2013 | Length: 07:47min | File size: 7.13MB

Part V | Media > Data > Transformation

Date: 25 April 2013 | Length: 04:34min | File size: 4.18MB

Part VI | ...lead the global creative revolution?

Date: 25 April 2013 | Length: 05:42min | File size: 5.23MB

Episode 9: How relevant is digital and mobile research in Africa?

Part I | Looking ahead

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 8:11min | File size: 7.5MB

Part II | Is the current research methodologies used in Africa current enough?

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 7:13min | File size: 6.61MB

Part III | Does a short and sharp mobile survey really give you the results you want about your market?

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 6:04min | File size: 5.55MB

Part IV | As clients gain a better understanding of their consumers via mobile, will we see more money being spent in this arena?

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 6:43min | File size: 6.15MB

Part V | What research is being done specifically in the OOH arena in Africa?

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 2:06min | File size: 1.92MB

Part VI | With all this research happening are we still taking into account what consumers are saying or are we tied up in the numbers game?

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 4:08min | File size: 3.79MB

Part VII | What is the value of consumer insight?

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 3:12min | File size: 2.93MB

Part VIII | Research companies often work on a project basis, so how do you mine the data and insights that are needed by your clients and give them value for their money?

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 4:30min | File size: 4.12MB

Part IX | Let's talk about the pink elephant in the room - GOOGLE!

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 15:09min | File size: 13.8MB

Part X | Online research before purchase and loyalty systems for data

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 7:45min | File size: 7.11MB

Part V | Conclusions

Date: 26 November 2012 | Length: 8:53min | File size: 8.14MB

Episode 8: Choosing the right agency

Part I | A global perspective on how to choose an agency - Nigel Morris CEO Aegis Media Americas & EMEA chats about what clients are looking for in an agency from a global stand point.

Date: 28 August 2012 | Length: 11:18min | File size: 10.3MB

Part II | "Agencies DO NOT listen! They are often so stuck in the way they do things that all they can focus on is how THEY will do things, as opposed to listening to the client's true business objectives and then strategically working out how they can assist the client in achieving these goals" - Tony Koenderman

Date: 28 August 2012 | Length: 13:43min | File size: 12.5MB

Part III | From pitch to procurement! Is there a difference between putting out a pitch to creative vs. media agencies? And then once you get into the pitch room what are the game-changes?

Date: 28 August 2012 | Length: 72:44min | File size: 66.5MB

Part IV | Before you get married ensure you have the discussion about the "marriage contract" and get the difficult issues out in plain site before you have the wedding ceremony!

Date: 28 August 2012 | Length: 58:00min | File size: 53.1MB

Part V | Calling an agency out of the blue is like calling as estate agent - you get on their radar and then they don't leave you alone - so what is the best way to approach an agency, other than the formal pitch route?

Date: 28 August 2012 | Length: 18:31min | File size: 16.9MB

Part VI | Agencies challenged by the media to open their doors so that the way in which they work can be seen and understood by all, thus making the decision to look at a new agency is based upon true understanding of an agency process rather than speculation - challenge accepted by Aegis Media.

Date: 28 August 2012 | Length: 21:41min | File size: 19.8MB

Episode 7: To converge or not to converge

Part I | Overview of Digibate today & intro to panel - It's time for the mad men to make way for the math men!

Date: 6 August 2012 | Length: 16:27min | File size: 15MB

Part II | Where are the consumers?

Date: 6 August 2012 | Length: 16:09min | File size: 14.7MB

Part III

Date: 6 August 2012 | Length: 13:58min | File size: 12.7MB

Part IV | Should brands be absorbing the DATA costs on campaigns as part of a converged world?

Date: 6 August 2012 | Length: 20:25min | File size: 18.7MB

Part V

Date: 6 August 2012 | Length: 18:52min | File size: 17.2MB

Episode 6: Social Media

Part I | Where is social media heading?

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 10:11min | File size: 9.5MB

Part II | Let's look at the R.O.I

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 20:23min | File size: 19.1MB

Part III | If you are not prepared to have a conversation with a consumer then someone else is going to, so what advice would you give clients on this?

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 63:09min | File size: 59.2MB

Part IV | Often businesses small and large struggle with setting up social media content - what tips can you provide?

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 10:42min | File size: 10.1MB

Part V | Social Media is going to be a beast I can't control - so do I keep the content generation internal or do I outsource it?

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 09:29min | File size: 8.9MB

Part VI | Twending on Twitter by the Tweeple....whilst OUTDOORS

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 09:42min | File size: 9.1MB

Part VII | In the open Q&A part of the Digibate these were some of the questions asked from the audience

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 12:57min | File size: 12.1MB

Part VIII | Final thoughts

Date: 2 July 2012 | Length: 03:49min | File size: 3.6MB

Episode 5: Marketing, media trends

Part I | Looking at our current market situation

Date: 4 May 2012 | Length: 18:02min | File size: 16.9MB

Part II | It's not just about DATA - it's how you interpret it and deliver to the market

Date: 4 May 2012 | Length: 32:12min | File size: 30.2MB

Part III | M-Commerce and the future of retail in this sector

Date: 4 May 2012 | Length: 09:30min | File size: 8.9MB

Part IV

Date: 4 May 2012 | Length: 22:11min | File size: 20.9MB

Episode 4: The Future of Print Media

Part I | Current state of print media in SA

Date: 22 March 2012 | Length: 21:56min | File size: 20.5MB

Part II | Business opportunities and the future

Date: 22 March 2012 | Length: 14:43min | File size: 13.8MB

Part III | Providing relevant content

Date: 22 March 2012 | Length: 11:47min | File size: 11.0MB

Part IV | Making money from content

Date: 22 March 2012 | Length: 20:46min | File size: 19.5MB

Part V | Be authentic in your offering

Date: 22 March 2012 | Length: 17:56min | File size: 16.8MB

Part VI | Final thoughts on the future of print media in SA

Date: 22 March 2012 | Length: 3:35min | File size: 3.7MB

Episode 3: Digibate uncovers insights on online search marketing

Part I

Aegis Media, in conjunction with Click Thinking/ iProspect and, hosted its third Thought Leadership Digibate last Thursday and audio streamed live via The debate, attracted between 5,000 and 7,000 listeners as the panel comprehensively debated and discussed topics around Search in the online media-marketing sphere.

Dawn Rowlands gets the digibate started with an overview from Peter Stewart of the history of search. John Radcliffe talks about Google's prominence and domination of SEO and Etienne Beneke takes us through how SEO works, what it takes to be a search engineer and how search optimization can be of benefit to both business and customer.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 7:56min | File size: 7.5MB

Part II

Dawn asks the panel to explain the sometimes perplexing terminology around SEO. 'PPC', 'organic and natural search' can be mystifying to the lay person. Understanding the value of a click or keyword group, creating a seamless digital journey and converting a digital experience into an actual outcome such as sale is what it's about. Creating quality content on Google for the online customer ensures contented customers. Paying attention to the development of your online presence through your website is vital. Etienne shares insights into what it is that you need to know about how to make your website rank among the top sites when people search online.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 6:49min | File size: 6.3MB

Part III

So where are the examples of where it's working? is a South African success story. Paul Galatis shares the story of the company that sells the world's best kitchen tools online and gives encouragement to businesses nervous about moving online. It's a fascinating account of how to successfully blend good old fashioned values with cutting-edge digital technology and give your customer an experience that will keep them on the line online.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 18:17min | File size: 16.7MB

Part IV

Why are marketers still resistant to using Search as a marketing mechanism? There are a number of misconceptions and Peter Stewart sets out to debunk them. Did you know that South African businesses are lagging behind our Nigerian counterparts? What's more, small business and big business have a level playing field online. And it doesn't have to cost anyone an arm and a leg says Peter.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 4:52min | File size: 4.5MB

Part V

So is it all wonderful and amazing? What about the prediction of the impending demise of SEO and is it, like everything else, open to abuse? The panel addresses these concerns and discuss the merits and demerits of using the range of tools available for creating a rich media experience for users.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 7:04min | File size: 6.6MB

Part VI

With a predicted 33m Smartphones in SA by 2013, optimizing mobile search is key given that it requires a different approach and focus from desktop. Jon Radcliffe talks about Google's approach to Africa's specific challenges and opportunities and how Google Plus is enriching the search experience in the market place.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 12:31min | File size: 11.7MB

Part VII

Why is a third of SA's top 100 brands not online? Are they missing out on the mobile revolution? Marketers who understand the need for an integrated digital and marketing mix are reaping the benefits. But top level management has to buy in. There's room for competition to drive both improvement and innovation, says Google's Jon Radcliffe.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 12:47min | File size: 11.9MB


What of the future? The panel sums up with some intriguing examples of how Search is already adding value in unexpected ways and previews where trends may be heading. There's no reason to fear a journey on which the consumer is getting ahead of the market. The Search will continue with or without you.

Date: 19 January 2012 | Length: 1:59min | File size: 1.8MB

Episode 2: Out-of-home advertising and alcohol ad ban

Part I

Aegis Media and Bizcommunity host the digital debate which includes a panel of media marketing heavyweights in the out-of-home sector, addressing commuter and digital advertising. Participants Erik Warburg, MD of Posterscope South Africa; Bruce Burgess, out of home development manager at Aegis Media sub-Saharan Africa; Jacques Du Preez, MD of Provantage Media; Simon Wall, MD of Tractor Outdoor Media; and Adam Cherry, worldwide digital developer of Posterscope UK, linked in via Skype, talk about digital OOH at this second in a series of Aegis Media SA Thought Leadership Digibates. The advertising industry is on the verge of a digital revolution globally. Where is South Africa and the rest of the continent in this revolution? The SA experience is still very static with far too much 'billboard clutter' and one-way messaging. The panel spell out the exciting range of opportunities available for virtual yet real engagement between advertisers and consumers.

Date: 20 October 2011 | Length: 53:00min | File size: 42.5 MB

Part II

Ever notice how many outdoor ads are about alcoholic beverages? The proposed ban on alcohol advertising holds concerns for both the alcohol beverage and advertising industries. The panel discusses the future of both industries - the challenges and opportunities which the proposed legislation in South Africa creates. Listen to this discussion and other fascinating aspects of the development of OOH advertising in this podcast from the second Aegis Thought Leadership Digibate.

Date: 20 October 2011 | Length: 46:38min | File size: 37.4 MB

Episode 1: The Africa Question

Part I

The Taxi terminus became a mini conference centre as it hosted Africa's very first digital debate (that's 'digibate' to the cogniscenti). In this podcast, panellists Nic van den Bergh (head of digital media, Trigger/Isobar), Arjan Pomper (CEO, Aegis Media Middle East & Africa and chairman of The Netherlands) and Peadar Hegarty (marketing innovation director, Diageo) address the core marketing challenges affecting digital strategies on the continent faced not only by the marketing business but, as critically, the all-important consumer.

Date: 08 September 2011 | Length: 52:58min | File size: 42.4 MB

Part II

The panelists respond to questions and talk of how research can be 'mapped' among consumers, the critical role of effective PR in dealing with feedback from consumers, why numbers are pretty much meaningless in the absence of 'connections', the difference between bought, owned and earned media and other related issues - all of which will get you thinking and leave you that much more enlightened about our fast-expanding digital world.

Date: 08 September 2011 | Length: 38:13min | File size: 30.6 MB

Episode 1a: The Africa Question - "If not, why not?" with panelist Nic van den Bergh

Trigger/Isobar head of digital media Nic van den Bergh talks about the particular challenges faced in Africa, citing as examples the strategies adopted in Nigeria and Kenya in taking product to market given the current limits of technological devices. How do the challenges weigh up against the opportunities?

Date: 08 September 2011 | Length: 2:35min | File size: 2.1 MB

Episode 1b: The Africa Question - "Why not... and how?" with panelist Arjan Pomper

Aegis Media CEO Middle East & Africa and chairman of The Netherlands Arjan Pomper gives insight gained from experiences in Korea, where digital media enables a whole new generation to use technology, eg, to watch TV on their mobile phones. He argues that Africa has the potential to leapfrog the digital divide and emulate what is happening in the East.

Date: 08 September 2011 | Length: 3:47min | File size: 3 MB

Episode 1c: The Africa Question - "Get (un)set for change" with panelist Peader Hegarty

Diageo Africa director of marketing innovation Peadar Hegarty reflects on how businesses stuck in traditional ways of working are falling behind. Digital capability means acquiring not only a whole new skills-set but an entirely different mind-set. In fact, the less set it all is, the better positioned you are. It's all about collaboration. How and why, you ask? Then listen here.

Date: 08 September 2011 | Length: 3:30min | File size: 2.8 MB

Episode 1d: The Africa Question - "Anyone listening?" with Soli Philander

Radio personality and The Taxi host Soli Philander asks the panel whether business has fully grasped that consumers are no longer satisfied with simply 'consuming' but expect - even demand - meaningful participation and engagement in the development of the services and products being brought to the market place. Arjan Pomper and Peader Hegarty respond with some surprising insights regarding the changing relationship between 'producers' and 'consumers'.

Date: 08 September 2011 | Length: 5:25min | File size: 4.3 MB
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