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IT & Telecommunications

Weekly top stories
Avanti to deliver ICT infrastructure and e-learning programme in Tanzania
Avanti Communications has been appointed by the UK Space Agency to deliver a major ICT infrastructure and e-learning programme to teachers in Tanzania... read more>>

Hambani Technologies partners with Hotelogix
Hotelogix is proud to announce a partnership with Hambani Technologies as their channel partner for reselling cloud-based property management system... read more>>
Planned versus unplanned downtime: why neither is acceptable
In the age of the always-on business, downtime is increasingly unacceptable - even when it's planned and announced in advance... read more>>
Geocoding is vital to understanding your customer

Gary Allemann

Geocoding is not new to the South African market; however its use has historically been relegated to the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) team and had limited use within mainstream business... read more>>
An exciting but risky time to be a CIO
With one-third of CIOs deciding that the current skills and expertise in their businesses are insufficient to facilitate their plans for IT transformation... read more>>
Cyber Security
The need to protect yourself from evil domain name system (DNS) servers

Issued by Maximizer Software

DNS servers are integral to the operation of the internet in that they make it possible for computers and other devices to find each other. The attackers use these evil DNS servers to make money by setting up rogue servers... read more>>
Factory worker turned Apple supplier now China's richest woman
BEIJING, CHINA: A former factory worker who founded a company supplying Apple, Samsung and other technological giants with touchscreen glass is China's richest woman... read more>>
The future of mobile exam preparation, Q&A with George Burgess

Jessica Taylor

Inspired by the global mindset of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs while at Stanford, Burgess explains what Gojimo means for the industry, and why SA... read more>>
HerdTracker predicts the deadliest Grumeti River crossing
The great wildebeest migration may face the most deadly Grumeti River crossing the Serengeti has seen in almost a decade... read more>>
Dax Data to launch Adobe Document Cloud this April
Adobe recently announced the upcoming release of Adobe Document Cloud, a modern way to manage critical documents at home, in the office and across devices... read more>>
Online solution for DMOs launched
Developed for Destination Marketing Organisations, eJourney's turnkey solution for destination websites comprises exclusive, ready-made DMO web marketing tools... read more>>
How video communications can deliver ROI for your business

Stefan Mayer

Connectivity costs have tumbled in South Africa over the past few years and, at the same time, the quality and reliability of telecoms services have improved significantly... read more>>
Avanti appointed to deliver SBAS-AFRICA air navigation project
The UK Space Agency has appointed Avanti Communications to deliver a crucial air navigation project in Africa, SBAS-AFRICA, powered by satellite technology... read more>>
China blasts Google security move as 'unacceptable'
BEIJING, CHINA: A Chinese cyberspace bureau on Thursday denounced Google for deciding not to recognise the agency's authority after a Beijing-linked security breach... read more>>
More International
Your CV has just seconds to impress: make them count

Niteske Marshall

Eight seconds is all it takes to knock the socks off potential employers reading your CV and entice them to read more... read more>>
Jobs offered

Napoleon Hill
"The starting point of all achievement is desire."

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Snapchat issues first transparency report on law enforcement data requests http://t.co/mZYUxMOy3H - Tue Apr 07
How To Secure Your Personal Data In The Internet Of Things http://t.co/tvPv0Aawze #IoT @Forbes http://t.co/wXqlcAxMWS - Tue Apr 07
5 things you need to know about converting fans and followers into sales via memeburn http://t.co/AWqoziDDpO - Tue Apr 07
Aluminium battery can charge phone in one minute, scientists say http://t.co/ZBM0qRLNig - Tue Apr 07
How can privacy survive in the era of the internet of things? http://t.co/qdQyjE8Lkz - Tue Apr 07
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