8 Sep 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Weekly top stories
Keeping confidentiality in Competition Law hearings
[Ahmore Burger-Smidt and Graeme Wickins] The Competition Act specifically provides that when submitting information to the Competition Commission or the Tribunal, one may identify confidential information... read more>>

Commercial Law
The ombudsman cometh

Neville Melville

Has the culture of non-compliance and non-payment that is increasingly prevalent amongst the general population spread to businesses? If the recent experience of the office of the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud (CGSO) is anything to go by, it may well have done so... read more>>
Labour Law
Jail time for holders of false qualifications?

Jenny Reid

Deputy President, Cyril Ramaphosa said that government is busy putting measures in place that will see those misrepresenting their qualifications being reported to the National Prosecuting Authority... read more>>
Decisions where unions frustrate consultative process for retrenchments

Nicholas Preston

Many employers have to contemplate retrenchments in order to remain profitable and issue a retrenchment notice in terms of the Labour Relations Act (LRA)... read more>>
Land & Property Law
Engineering contribution payable when owner implements rights

Catherine Plit

In a dispute between Illovo Opportunities Partnership (appellant) and Illovo Junction Properties (seller), the appellant sought a declaration that the seller was liable for the payment of approximately R8.8 million to the City of Johannesburg for engineering contribution charges... read more>>
Law Practice
Get your free will during National Wills Week
During National Wills Week, 14-18 September 2015, attorneys across the country will be drafting free basic wills... read more>>
Tax Law
Understanding tax debt prescription

Graeme Palmer

A tax debt is defined in the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (the TAA) as an amount of tax due or payable in terms of a tax Act and, like any other debt, can prescribe. Once a tax debt prescribes, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) can no longer recover it... read more>>
Save your bottom (line) with well-being

Linda Trim

Have you ever spent the day at work but never actually achieved anything? Have no fear, you are not alone. Due to poor workplace well-being, presenteeism is a phenomenon spreading far and wide across the globe... read more>>
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Upcoming events
Labour Relations Amendment Act changes
Platinum Workshops (Pty) Ltd - 10 Sep 2015, Strand

Course in economic crime schemes
Continuing Education at University of Pretoria - 14 Sep 2015 to 18 Sep 2015, Pretoria

Viktor E. Frankl
"When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves."

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Constitutional challenge of 2 laws used to silence free speech in #Swaziland begins today, via @Smith_RFKennedy http://t.co/PvngHdPLM3 - Tue Sep 08
Unlawful employment practices will continue to go unpunished unless the tribunal system is overhauled http://t.co/uL6k6jvxrV - Tue Sep 08
Join us for National #ProBono Week. Find out how you can get involved here: http://t.co/VW1pI9MH28 http://t.co/NBtqfN96ue - Tue Sep 08
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