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Weekly top stories
Journalists and the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI)
[Danie Strachan] How will journalistic activities be regulated by the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) when it comes into force?... read more>>

Commercial Law
Decision over claim against auditors

Jonathan Witts-Hewinson

Claims against audit firms have become all the more prevalent and it was one such claim that recently enjoyed the scrutiny of the Supreme Court of Appeal... read more>>
Copyright Amendment Bill - a diamond in the rough

Cobus Jooste

The Copyright Amendment Bill is by all accounts a grave misfortune and a study in amateur law making. However, it is noteworthy that the Bill contains a set of provisions that is deserving of closer analysis... read more>>
Labour Law
COIDA judgement finds State is not considered a single entity

Fiona Leppan, Michael Yeates and Terrick McCallum

The Constitutional Court has now had the opportunity to decide on the meaning on the word 'State' for purposes of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 ('COIDA') in the matter of Minister of Defence and Military Veterans v Liesl-Lenore Thomas (168/14) [2015] ZACC 26... read more>>
Interpreting the Labour Relations Amendment Act

Richard Pemberton

The Labour Relations Amendment Act of 2014 is now law and interpretation issues are going to arise. An important aspect will be the words 'must be treated on the whole not less favourably' in Section 198A(5) in respect of labour brokered employees being deemed to be employees of the client... read more>>
Understanding consultation triggers in retrenchment

Gillian Lumb

When an employer contemplates dismissing one or more of its employees for reasons based on its operational requirements, ie the employer's economic, technological, structural or similar needs, the employer is under an obligation to consult with the relevant employees before retrenchment... read more>>
New machinery regulations launched
The Department of labour's Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Directorate has launched the new Driven Machinery Regulations (DMR)... read more>>
Land & Property Law
Refusal to sell pre-paid electricity to unit in arrears is not spoliation

Rogan Heale

The case Van Rooyen v Hillandale Homeowners Association is an application based on the mandament van spolie to restore the supply of water and electricity services, which were restricted by a Home Owners Association due the levies account being in arrears... read more>>
Law Practice
'Law and Regulation in a Digital South Africa' seminar
Life events that require financial planning
It may surprise people to learn that some of the most predictable life events require financial planning... read more>>
LinkedIn is the new business card

Leigh Andrews

The problem with networking in real life is that you can't just click and connect, as business cards get bulky while you work your way through the room. That's why it's better to incorporate online networking into your offline meets... read more>>
Jobs offered
Assistant Board Secretary - Johannesburg
Provide administrative and governance support to the director: governance, legal and secretariat, and the board of trustees to enable the effective discharge of duties in carrying out the mandate of Brand SA. Read more >>

Upcoming events
Prevention and detection of contract fraud
Continuing Education at University of Pretoria - 7 Sep 2015 to 11 Sep 2015, Pretoria

An introduction to administrative justice
UCT Professional Development Project - 8 Sep 2015 to 10 Sep 2015, Cape Town

Casey Stengel
"Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story."

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RT @AmbassadorPower: .@UN Secretary General on deeply concerning sentencing of Al Jazeera journos Mohamed, Fahmy, & Greste in #Egypt http:/... - Tue Sep 01
Court closures: download our campaigner pack and write to your local MP about the @MoJGovUK's proposals: http://t.co/sgYvTr3efr - Tue Sep 01
RT @LawSocPresident: .@brown4lawyers visited @TheLawSociety today ahead of tomorrow's @AIJAASSOCIATION Congress. A pleasure to have her. ht... - Tue Sep 01
Groups extend deadline for legal aid bids survey: http://t.co/NEXtcfeVk1 @MonidipaFouzder - Tue Sep 01
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