5 Jun 2012



e-tolls are Outa here... or not...

The Treasury has now - not before time - clarified its estimates of the costs of e-tolling and now they are well below those used by the Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (Outa) in its April court application, which relied strongly on the argument that the cost of e-toll collections amounted R20bn.

In a bid to soften the blow for regular users, the government had set a cap of R550 a month per user and is quoted as saying: "Our information is that less than 5% of users are reaching that cap. Toll fees for most people are about R250 a month or below."

They really do not get it, do they?

Every motorist and every trucking company already pays, via the fuel levy in the fuel price, for new roads and road maintenance - and they do not want to pay R550 to use the road, nor R250... in fact, not even a cent extra.

It's fitting that in time for World Environment Week, the GBCSA has launched its Green Lease Toolkit, which they co-developed with the South African Property Owners' Association (SAPOA). The kit was officially launched at the SAPOA International Convention & Property Exhibition in Durban.

So you think you own that mobile? Wrong! If Simon Campbell-Young is correct, you won't own your mobile in future - it will own you.

Finally, and this will make car dealers happy... our motoring editor Henrie Geyser reports that new car sales accelerated to an eight-month high in May, and he also gets "buzzy" on the new BMW ActiveHybrid 5, which he reckons floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee.

Rod Baker, content director

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Winners of 2012 Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show announced
In what has come to be an increasingly hotly contested race, the Fairbairn Capital Trophy for the Top Producer at the 2012 Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show went to KWV SA, a cellar whose recent renaissance has seen it dominate the podium at several of South Africa's major wine competitions in the past year. It edged Eikendal into second place, closely followed by Jordan Wine Estate and Vergelegen. Read more >>


Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee
[Henrie Geyser: motoring editor] BMW has taken its first major step into twin-engine technology in South Africa with the introduction of the ActiveHybrid 5 whose green credentials immediately elevate it to the top of its class, not only for its kindness to Mother Nature but also in terms of looks, impressive features, comfort, ride and safety. Read more >>


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[Nthambeleni Gabara] PRETORIA: South Africa's national football team, Bafana Bafana, complicated their journey to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil by playing to a 1-all draw with minnows Ethiopia at home on Sunday, 3 June 2012. Read more >>


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W. loves E.
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Young jazz
[Daphne Cooper] Seven young soloists, four professional musicians in an ensemble, two-and-a-half hours of jazz; a full house at Artscape, a great deal of talent - an evening of enthusiastic appreciation and enjoyment. Read more >>

Ode to classic cinema songs
[Jordan Scott] Louise Howett (the lady with a voice like an angel) and Albert Combrink (the pianist with magic fingers) make the perfect duo. Cinema Serenade is an ode to all the classic songs that have featured in the very best movies. (Louise also bluntly tells us that they are all songs that she loves to sing.) It was interesting to see how many songs I thought came from a certain movie, but in actual fact were in so many others. Read more >>


The peculiar House of Usher
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