15 May 2012



Begin scene...

...curtains part. Theatre takes centre stage this week in things lifestyle. Eugene Yiga and Duan Wanty each review two highly-rated theatre productions; Funny Business and iHamlet, respectively. Daniel Dercksen joins the appreciative audience circle with his review and high praise of both Janneman and A Streetcar Named Desire.

Drumroll... Sindy Peters chats to drum & bass shape thrower Niskerone, while Yiga grabs a few words from that harmonious harmonica man Jeremy Loops at this year's Net Prophet conference.

In cinema news, Dercksen reviews the bold and daring movie Shame, and alien Armageddon film Battleship.

Henrie Geyser compares Citroën's new DS5 to haute couture, and Brian Berckman finds out what it is about the Garden Route that makes Kurland Hotel's Peter Behr feel all warm and fuzzy in the latest [10 Things I Love About...] series.

On the sporting side of things, plans are falling into place for a successful hosting of the 2013 Africa Cup Of Nations, says SAFA.

Joburg Brandy lovers will be pleased to note that we have tickets up for grabs for the Brandy Fusion event in Sandton this June. To be the first to know about any upcoming comps, follow @Biz_lounge on twitter and/or like us on Facebook. Ba-dum-tish!

Exit stage left. Curtains close. Applause.

Ruth Cooper, production manager (@biz_lounge)

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Call to enter The Bollinger Exceptional Wine Service Award 2012
Entries for first round of The Bollinger Exceptional Wine Service Award 2012 are now open and will close on 31 May, 2012. The winner of the will be announced at The Swartland Revolution in November, 2012, and will win a trip to France including a trip to the House of Champagne Bollinger. Read more >>


Sacre bleu, a pretend German, ja?
[Henrie Geyser: motoring editor] Citroën's new ooh la la flagship DS5 has just strutted onto the local market and its stylish and controversial looks have already set the tongues wagging with the same enthusiasm as any latest haute couture unveiling in Paris. Read more >>


[10 Things I Love About]...The Garden Route
[Brian Berkman: contributing editor, travel] Kurland Hotel's Peter Behr has made the Garden Route journey to his Plettenberg Bay Hotel more times than he can remember. Brian Berkman asked him for his 10 Things I Love About... The Garden Route. Read more >>


Significant Shame
[Daniel Dercksen] In an age of self-medication, self-mutilation, self-help gurus and self-satisfaction, Shame is not a simple film to watch, but a stimulating and significant eye-opener; in it lays dormant forbidden fears, sinful desires and shocking secrets that mask our true identity and reveal a darker side of our humanity that ultimately shines a light on true happiness. Read more >>

Not Another Alien Movie
[Daniel Dercksen] The fear of alien invasion has always been a favourite topic for science fiction stories and films, and with Battleship, the end of the world has never been more awesome and the aliens never more fearsome. Battleship is an explosive and action-packed futuristic adventure that plunges you mercilessly into an unimaginably hostile world where chaos and mayhem rules. Read more >>


Jeremy Loops, the ultimate one-man band
[Eugene Yiga] There were a lot of surprises at this year's Net Prophet. Who knew that an iPad cover (not an iPad, just the cover) would be auctioned for over R20 000? Who knew that a particularly inquisitive member of the audience, quickly dubbed "Question Guy", would become a Twitter trend unto himself? And who knew that Jeremy Loops and his folksy tunes would cause the crowd to erupt into such thunderous applause? I caught up with Jeremy a little later to find out more. Read more >>

Niskerone says NO... to peanut butter
[Sindy Peters] It Came From The Jungle, but he comes from the Cape Flats; this mischievous "monkey" has swung wildly into the hearts of electronic music fans the world over! Niskerone is a force to be reckoned with on the decks, and on the dance floor, but what gets him going? A home-cooked dinner, apparently... Read more >>


Safa determined to make Afcon a success
[Nthambeleni Gabara] JOHANNESBURG: South African Football Association (Safa) President Kirsten Nematandani says all stops will be pulled to ensure South Africa's successful hosting of the 2013 African Cup of Nations. Read more >>


iHamlet: Shakespeare for one
[Duan Wanty] There are three kinds of people in the world: those who love Shakespeare, those who don't and those that pretend to know exactly what Shakespeare meant with his self-made language. Regardless of where you place yourself, we know that the sheer brilliance of Shakespeare will live on and, with the production of iHamlet, it is proven yet again. Read more >>

Life versus death in Janneman
[Daniel Dercksen] With Janneman, Hennie van Greunen not only brings three exceptional women into our lives, but also an extraordinary play that is definitely a highlight on the theatre calendar and is on at the Artscape Arena until 20 May. Read more >>

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