24 Jul 2012

IT & Telecommunications


Calling the ladies

According to the Business Women's Association (BWA) 2012 Women in Leadership Census, women make up 43.9% of the workforce but constitute only 17.1% of all directors. Hence, the BWA reckons that more women are needed at board level.

While on the media front, the High court in Pretoria has ruled that the Glynnis Breytenbach disciplinary must be open to the media - and that's good news for transparency.

"It is of the utmost importance that the media has access to this disciplinary hearing...‚" Judge Ronel Tolmay ruled.

Meanwhile, down in the Western Cape, Premier Helen Zille says the province is helping to capacitate municipalities. That makes great sense, because that's where service delivery literally hits the ground - and in far too many cases around the country, virtually stops dead in its tracks.

And finally, another one for you petrol heads out there, our man with the eyes of an eagle, the speed of a swift, Henrie Geyser, reckons the new Chinese MG won't ruffle any feathers. He reckons it's a bit bland... nothing like him, then - though we all know he's anything but bland new.

Rod Baker, content director

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Multiple quantities of Raspberry Pi computer boards now available
RS Components customers worldwide can now order multiple quantities of the Raspberry Pi Model B board, along with the associated accessories to enable users to get started, including SD cards pre-loaded with the Raspberry Pi operating system and unique cases for safer storage. Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer board developed to boost the uptake of computer programming among young people and enthusiasts. Read more >>



VoIP 2.0 simplified
[Deidre Dawson] Thanks to the internet, the world is changing around us. Suddenly, we find ourselves in immediate contact with each other and with any business anywhere across the world. We currently live in a user-centric communications environment and have access to the internet from our cellphones, from home and from the office. Are you using the internet to its full advantage; for instance, making quality voice telephone calls? Read more >>


Bridging the digital gap
[André Britz] More and more brands realise they should also be playing in the digital space and are hopping onto the bandwagon. The snag is that marketing is happening haphazardly and money is wasted. In addition, since digital space is comparatively cheaper than radio, print or TV ads, only a fraction of the overall marketing budget is allocated to online and mobile. Read more >>

Using BI and analytics to harness your social media data
[Max Ottavin] Social media is here to stay, for better or for worse, and businesses can ill afford to stick their heads in the sand when it comes to engaging their customers online. The reality is that your customers are talking about you, whether you have an engaging online presence or not, and ignoring this fact will at best provide no advantage, and at worst actually harm your business. Read more >>

Few companies take cybercrime seriously enough
[Paul Vecchiatto] Organised cybercriminals have the world at their fingertips, and South African companies should not think they are immune from hacking attacks. Read more >>


Top IT conference for Cape Town
The annual Gartner Symposium/ITxpo will be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 28-30 August 2012, helping IT leaders look at what opportunities there are to connect applications with business and stakeholders and how they can take a lead in transforming IT in business. Read more >>

ContinuitySA's mobile data centre mitigates IT risk
ContinuitySA has launched a mobile data centre service to give clients a new way to mitigate IT risk. Market take-up has been quick, with the new mobile unit already in use at a client site. Read more >>

J2 Software partners with SECUDE to offer data protection solution
The partnership between J2 Software and SECUDE, a global provider of IT data protection solutions, will help customers to protect their sensitive data against loss and theft and also provide compliance to various laws and industry regulations. Read more >>

Microsoft revamps Office with 'cloud' links
SAN FRANCISCO, US: Microsoft on Monday unveiled next-generation Office software overhauled to stay popular with people using tablets or smartphones to access programs in the Internet "cloud." Read more >>


Interpol's app will track fake goods
Global policing body Interpol announced on Tuesday a pioneering initiative to crack down on trade in fake goods, using an app developed with the help of search giant Google. Read more >>

Increase in retail sales improves AVG's local market share
The growth AVG's products have seen in South African retail stores has pushed the brand to the second most popular in the security space overall, with 19% of the market. Read more >>

A look at augmented reality (AR)
[Mark Schefermann] Before you proceed to read this post, I would highly recommend you download at least one of the apps below. These are the current AR industry leaders. Read more >>

AEMFC implements Barnstone mining solution
The South African government's mining company, African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (AEMFC) has engaged Barnstone to implement the Barnstone mining solution. Preconfigured specifically for mid-market mining houses, the Barnstone mining solution is a SAP-certified version of SAP's All-in-One enterprise resource planning software. Read more >>

Top 50 US web properties for June 2012
RESTON, US: comScore, Inc has released its monthly analysis of US web activity at the top online properties for June 2012 based on data from the comScore Media Metrix service. Read more >>

Greenlight showcases Digital Campaign Planner for Christmas 2012
LONDON, UK: Leading independent digital marketing agency, Greenlight, has today showcased its complementary and detailed Digital Campaign Planner as part of the Agency's initiative to help digital marketers and brands get their Christmas 2012 campaigns ready, ahead of the festive season, and in place for the post-Christmas sales. Read more >>

comScore, Facebook: European insights about earned and paid media reach and effectiveness
LONDON, UK: comScore, Inc has released the third white paper in The Power of Like series, The Power of Like Europe: How Social Marketing Works for Retail Brands, focusing on European retail brands such as ASOS, H&M, La Redoute, Topshop and Zara. Read more >>

June 2012 US online video rankings
RESTON, US: comScore, Inc has released data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that more than 180 million US Internet users watched 33 billion online content videos in June. Video advertising reached another all-time high in June as 11 billion video ads were viewed. Read more >>

EU opens Microsoft antitrust probe over web browser
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM: The European Commission opened an antitrust probe on Tuesday against Microsoft over charges it was failing to give consumers a choice over which web browser they can use. Read more >>

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Jobs offered
Java Developer - Cape Town
Java developer five to ten years' experience.

Publisher Services Campaign Manager - Cape Town
Publisher services campaign manager who has the necessary digital/publishing and IT skills. Read more >>

IT Manager - Cape Town - Tokai
Looking for experienced IT manager to work in Tokai Read more >>

Senior Web Developer/Designer - Newlands
Senior web developer/designer - an opportunity to join a boutique web studio in Cape Town with an international clientele. Are you up to the challenge? Let's see your portfolio... Read more >>

Head of Engineering/Development - Johannesburg
Quirk Johannesburg is looking for a manager to head up its technical department consisting out of front and back-end developers. Got what it takes? Apply now! Read more >>

Head of Operations - Cape Town
Quirk, pre-eminent marketing agency is on the hunt for an iron clad, well oiled operations managing machine. Looking for the opportunity of a lifetime? Apply now! Read more >>

International Management Trainees - Cape Town
Meltwater News is looking for international management trainees. Read more >>

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Graham Fox
Managing Director at VCW Security Ltd
Ivern Moropa
Trainining Advisor and Networking Technician at Boston City Campus & Business College
Elsa Jansen
Consultant at PRR Recruitment Servicces
Claudia Williams
Office Manager in IT
Nathan Van Zyl
Business Development Consultant at SortIT


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