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Weekly top stories
No application to remove statues
The Department of Arts and Culture says it has not received a formal request to remove any of the statues in the country... read more>>

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr launches handbook on power purchase agreements
A handbook titled 'Understanding Power Purchase Agreements in Africa' has been launched in South Africa at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr business law firm... read more>>
Commercial Law
Sbu 'slips up' again
NEWSWATCH: 'Oops! I did it again...' Sibusiso Leope, aka DJ Sbu, is once again in the drink after using a fake SABS stamp of approval on his energy drink, it is reported... read more>>
CPA empowers consumers to block direct marketing communications

Justine Krige

Direct marketing is often favoured as a popular means of product marketing. It is, however, often also a source of irritation for many consumers... read more>>
Too much regulation?

Mike Cordes

Some pundits maintain that our fresh produce markets are over-regulated. I confess that I cannot make up my mind on the issue... read more>>
Legal requirements for your e-commerce business

Wilmari Strachan

Simply put, electronic commerce or e-commerce is the selling and buying of goods or services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over the internet. The most common type of e-commerce is online shopping, which has become a booming international industry with more than one billion online shoppers worldwide... read more>>
Consumer protection laws continue to develop

Johann Scholtz and Balungile Khathi

South African consumer protection legislation has undergone significant developments over the past few years. The regime has gradually developed to a point of prescribing contractual formalities in commercial contracts... read more>>
Bowman Gilfillan partner appointed as vice-president of INSOL
Adam Harris, a partner at Bowman Gilfillan Africa Group, has been appointed as vice-president of the International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Professionals (INSOL International)... read more>>
Environmental Law
Biodiversity Management Plan for white rhino gazetted
On 31 March 2015, the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, published the Biodiversity Management Plan for the white rhinoceros in the Government Gazette for public comment... read more>>
Labour Law
SARS ethics boss revealed as CV cheat

Sunday Times team...

A top tax official faked his academic qualifications to hold onto senior positions that earned him a salary that amounted to millions over the years... read more>>
Employer must provide clear proof of damages

Jacques van Wyk and Andre van Heerden

To what extent, if any, is an employee liable for damages for failing to adhere to the notice requirements when terminating a contract of employment? read more>>
Land & Property Law
Draft Bill on home defect disclosure needs more teeth

Ronald Ennik

The proposed new legislation which requires estate agents to recommend a home inspection to all prospective buyers is a welcome step towards greater transparency in the buy/sell process. But it doesn't go far enough... read more>>
Law Practice
GALA releases international advertising law book
The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) has released a book that provides an overview of the laws governing advertising and marketing in 56 countries, from Argentina to Zimbabwe... read more>>
Australia clamps down on web pirates in 'Dallas Buyers Club' ruling
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: An Australian court has ordered six Internet service providers to release details of customers who shared the Hollywood film "Dallas Buyers Club" online. It could set a precedent for crackdowns on online piracy... read more>>
Turkey restores access to social networks after images pulled
ISTANBUL, TURKEY: Twitter, Facebook and YouTube were functioning normally in Turkey on Tuesday after Ankara lifted a ban it imposed on them over images of a Turkish prosecutor killed in a hostage standoff... read more>>
More International
How to get digital transformation right

Jayne Archbold

There has been a lot of talk recently about digital transformation and how every business has to be a digital business... read more>>
Government news
Union wants SABC news head suspended over assault claim
Pressure is mounting on the SABC to suspend its head of news, Jimi Matthews, following allegations that he assaulted a staff member... read more>>
More Government news
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New events to diarise
4th Annual GovLaw Conference
Intelligence Transfer Centre - 26 May 2015 to 27 May 2015, Pretoria

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Labour Law Amendments Conference 2015
Ikhono Consulting and Training - 21 Apr 2015 to 22 Apr 2015, Johannesburg

Mahatma Gandhi
"There is more to life than increasing its speed."

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RT @City_Press: Foreign-owned shops looted, set alight as xenophobic violence spreads in Durban: http://t.co/xtEJ07LJef #xenophobia - Tue Apr 14
#Malala slams world leaders about #Chibok schoolgirls a year after their abduction by #Bokoharam. #bringbackourgirls. http://t.co/OySy88C684 - Tue Apr 14
RT @AmnestyOnline: China: Release on bail of five women's rights activists an incomplete step http://t.co/OevWtVTCRx #FreeTheFive http://t.... - Tue Apr 14
Convicted must pay a fee for their trial http://t.co/nEaUUBa0ax - Mon Apr 13
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