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IT & Telecommunications

Weekly top stories
Most vicious financial malware in SA revealed
TrendLabs, the research arm of Trend Micro, recently highlighted that the top three financial malware families affecting South Africans are Swisyn, Dorkbot and Zeus/Zbot... read more>>

The art of successful IT recruitment

Lara Green

Art and science, they're polar opposites and don't exist on the same continuum. Well, that's what we've been taught to believe. But what if I told you that wasn't true? read more>>
Workonline supports African entrepreneurs through sponsorship
Workonline Communications has agreed to sponsor high-speed connectivity delivered over their metropolitan fibre network for an innovative South African company, Cape Town Garage... read more>>
Cloud Computing
Reasons you should take your small business into the cloud
Cloud computing is the buzzword of the moment and many small business owners are starting to get excited about its promise... read more>>
Cloud - driving operational efficiencies, increasing ROI, decreasing TCO and creating a competitive advantage

AJ Hartenberg

Cloud computing has the potential to deliver significant business benefit by turning IT into an operational cost rather than a capital expense... read more>>
Cyber Security
Fighting the insider threat

Anton Vukic

In the past, security efforts were largely focused on preventing cyber criminals from gaining access to the company network. Today, although this threat continues to be a real danger, there has been a growing focus on the threats posed by insiders... read more>>
IT security is not secure if you aren't considering your data

Bryan Balfe

Security is one of the foremost concerns when it comes to IT infrastructure. However, protecting organisational data has become as important, if not more so, especially when one considers the critical nature of data to the majority of businesses today... read more>>
Twitter makes policy changes addressing prohibited content, site violations

Myolisi Sikupela

Twitter rightfully acknowledges that it is not enough to simply put resources into place to police social media... read more>>
Data Management
Data management in SA has its own challenges

Mark Ridley

The impact of load shedding on an organisation's data management capabilities is adding a level of uncertainty to boardroom discussions... read more>>
eLearning Africa 2015 calls leaders to "leapfrog the shackles of convention"
eLearning Africa will celebrate its tenth anniversary next month in Addis Ababa with a typically diverse and challenging agenda focusing on how technology and learning are changing the African continent... read more>>
Is your website UX ready?
On 21 April Google launched a new mobile-friendly algorithm that rewards websites that are fully optimised for mobile with higher rankings in search results... read more>>
Fibre optic broadband boosts businesses

Mitchell Barker

Fibre optic broadband is one of the most significant advances and improvements in broadband technology... read more>>
China tech firms shake up world's biggest car market
SHANGHAI, CHINA: Chinese technology giants Alibaba and Tencent are promising to build the cars of the future, vehicles linked seamlessly to the Internet and offering shopping and navigation help while on the road... read more>>
Neo-on-the-Move empowers entrepreneurship, creates jobs
Neotel has launched Neo-on-the-Move, an enterprise development programme designed to ensure a meaningful contribution to skills development and employment in South Africa by growing small businesses... read more>>
How to choose CRM software

Jane Hurst

With so many different CRM tools available, it can be difficult to figure which one is going to be best for your particular business... read more>>
Computer students hit right keys to kindness

Deneesha Pillay

A video showing a group of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University students performing acts of kindness to make other students' days has taken social media by storm, with people challenged to do the same in their areas... read more>>
Five cool iPad tricks

Roberto Caprio

There is something to be said for the ease and simplicity of use of Apple products. Most of the time, they just offer elegant and extremely user-friendly solutions... read more>>
New MD for Airtel Chad
Bharti Airtel Africa has appointed Anwar Soussa as the new Managing Director for Airtel Chad... read more>>
Nine tips for successful CRM integration projects

Lindsay Britz

Because of the complexity of the projects and their impact on all customer-related business processes, CRM integration projects can be very risky... read more>>
Mobile dominates at World Travel Market Africa
Mobile first is no longer just nice to have. This was the sentiment at the recent World Travel Market Africa, a trade show and conference for African tourism... read more>>
Gabon to host ICT Regulators' Symposium in June
Gabon is set to host the global symposium for the ICT regulatory community in June... read more>>
Nigerian mobile users not keen on online payment
In a new infographic by Jovago, Nigeria ranks lowest on the list for usage of mobile devices for payments in Africa... read more>>
British police question Piers Morgan over phone hacking
LONDON, UK: British police questioned Piers Morgan in connection with a phone hacking investigation, the television host and journalist said... read more>>
UK politician accused of unauthorised Wikipedia edits
LONDON, UK: The run-up to Britain's general election took an unexpected turn this week as the chairman of the Conservative Party was forced to deny allegations that he'd made unauthorised edits on Wikipedia... read more>>
More International
Six ways to balance work and family
In today's modern age it is difficult to live a life that balances your professional responsibilities with your family duties... read more>>
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"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."

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#AppleWatch Beautiful hardware spoiled by complicated software http://t.co/eaNntDdrgi Stylish, sophisticated but slow http://t.co/4rNHGt53Ch - Tue Apr 28
Sony planning several budget smartphones for Indian market http://t.co/U5k0y51TA0 - itproportal http://t.co/7DdopjeezV - Tue Apr 28
Vivaldi Browser Now Features Improved Support For Large Screens, Mouse Gestures And More http://t.co/kuiBzHaALs - techCrunch - Tue Apr 28
The #Rosetta orbiter takes stunning images of the comet's surface: http://t.co/oXWf4IG87A #science http://t.co/kpQROByjoJ - Tue Apr 28
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