23 Jun 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Weekly top stories
Al-Bashir: South Africa's moment of glory and shame
[David E Kiwuwa] Al-Bashir's decision to leave SA speedily to avoid arrest on an ICC indictment while attending the 25th African Union summit was a dramatic diplomatic development... read more>>

High Court to hear application to intervene in medical aid regulation case
In September 2014, Genesis Medical Scheme launched an application against the Minister of Health, asking the Western Cape High Court to review and set aside regulations that provide for the Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs)... read more>>
LexisNexis South Africa agrees to acquire Korbitec
Environmental Law
Carbon Tax Bill reviewed
In the 2015 budget speech, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene confirmed that a draft carbon tax bill will be introduced in 2015, before legislation in terms of Section 12L of the Income Tax Act is passed to implement the green tax in 2016... read more>>
The business case for environmental compliance

Roger Metcalfe

The recent prosecution of a director whose company contravened environmental regulations sent shockwaves through corporate boardrooms... read more>>
Labour Law
Seminar on construction industry regulations to be held
An informational session will be held ahead of the implementation of new labour regulations in the construction industry... read more>>
Law Practice
Sabinet launches first-ever true mobile legislation app

Issued by Sabinet

A result of an overwhelming need expressed by clients from law libraries, who require access to legislation on the move, Sabinet has launched a new mobile app which is available for download from the Apple App Store... read more>>
Hijackings on the increase
Motorists are warned to be especially vigilant following the recent hike in hijackings... read more>>
6 ½ considerations for securing the home office

Perry Hutton

As increasing numbers of employees work from home, organisations often overlook the security needs of remote workers... read more>>
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Investigation and management of cyber crime
Continuing Education at University of Pretoria - 27 Jul 2015 to 31 Jul 2015, Pretoria

Prevention and detection of contract fraud
Continuing Education at University of Pretoria - 7 Sep 2015 to 11 Sep 2015, Pretoria

Course in economic crime schemes
Continuing Education at University of Pretoria - 14 Sep 2015 to 18 Sep 2015, Pretoria

Upcoming events
Legal Writing
UCT Professional Development Project - 24 Jun 2015 to 26 Jun 2015, Cape Town

Legal and compliance risk management
BizStrat - 25 Jun 2015 to 26 Jun 2015, Johannesburg

Legal and compliance risk management
Bizstrat - 25 Jun 2015 to 26 Jun 2015, Johannesburg

POPI act seminar
Continuing Education at the University of Pretoria - 26 Jun 2015, Pretoria | 18 Sep 2015, Pretoria

Clifford Stoll
"Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months."

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