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Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry

Weekly top stories
Food safety in Southern Africa - rethinking world health worries
[Erica Penfold] The theme for World Health Day, held on 7 April 2015, was 'From farm to plate - make food safe.' read more>>

Farmers help to keep their workers and communities safe
Farmers from the Verkykerskop and Edenville districts have shown their care and concern for their local communities and workers by assisting to fight crime the past two weeks... read more>>
NSPCA senior inspector awarded heroism award
Senior inspector, Grace De Lange, from the National Council of SPCAs' Farm Animal Protection Unit, was awarded the Medal of Heroism Award... read more>>
Cluster farming initiative opens commercial agri-markets for small-holder farmers
The massive gap between large-scale commercial farmers and 'small-holder' farmers has resulted in many farmers simply not being able to produce the quantities of crops required to enter formal markets.... read more>>
What came first - the chicken or the leg?

Christopher Wood

South Africa's Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, and US Trade Representative, Mike Froman, will try and overcome the protracted dispute between the two countries on chicken exports... read more>>
Commercial Fishing
Findings of the baseline and scoping study on freshwater inland fisheries
South Africa's inland fishery resource endowment has been overlooked as a means of supporting sustainable livelihoods in the democratic era... read more>>
Food Security
United Nation's Tenure Guidelines in the spotlight at national workshop
70 representatives will meet in Cape Town for a workshop on land, fisheries and forestry tenure... read more>>
Partnership to improve indigenous food products
Pretoria - The CSIR and NFTRC have signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to address nutrition and food security challenges... read more>>
Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture calls for local innovations
GFIA Africa forms part of the world's most influential series of events for the future of sustainable agriculture... read more>>
Waste not, want not

Achim Steiner

From wasted economy to wasted planet: why changing our consumption patterns is a choice we must make! read more>>
Protecting the ocean could boost economy by USD900bn: WWF
More than $920bn could be generated by 2050 and 180,000 jobs created by expanding the ocean's protected zones, according to a study by WWF... read more>>
Government news
SA agrees to resume importation of US chicken
Pretoria - South Africa has agreed to resume the importing of chicken from the United States into the country... read more>>
SA oceans to unlock opportunities in economy
South Africa's oceans have the potential to unlock the country's economic development opportunities... read more>>
Gauteng farmers sought for Nguni cattle breeding project
Pretoria - GDARD has called on aspirant farmers to apply for participation in the Nguni cattle breeding project... read more>>
Late rainfall spells low crop yields, says dept
Pretoria - Government has warned that crop yields are estimated to be low for this year, as compared to last year... read more>>
More Government news
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Global temperature increase affects crops, livestock production & pests and diseases in Africa http://t.co/EatMgZjLiT http://t.co/N8oleLTb2Y - Tue Jun 09
Improved small ruminant value chains in Ethiopia focus of new Livestock and Fish project: http://t.co/MB0JnJh00C via @ILRI - Tue Jun 09
Asia wants U.S. spuds. "If you look at a chart, it looks like a mountain going straight up" http://t.co/ILs01P4ZUm http://t.co/MlFbbWWlkG - Tue Jun 09
RT @mwbloem: Healthy Soils, Healthy People: Integrating Soil Science into Nutrition Security @C_A_Bertini http://t.co/sWCEePuSoQ http://t.c... - Tue Jun 09
RT @pholmgren: G7 statement: Climate, Development and Food security still under separate headings. Difficult to #thinklandscape? http://t.c... - Tue Jun 09
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