5 Jun 2012

IT & Telecommunications


e-tolls are Outa here... or not...

The Treasury has now - not before time - clarified its estimates of the costs of e-tolling and now they are well below those used by the Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (Outa) in its April court application, which relied strongly on the argument that the cost of e-toll collections amounted R20bn.

In a bid to soften the blow for regular users, the government had set a cap of R550 a month per user and is quoted as saying: "Our information is that less than 5% of users are reaching that cap. Toll fees for most people are about R250 a month or below."

They really do not get it, do they?

Every motorist and every trucking company already pays, via the fuel levy in the fuel price, for new roads and road maintenance - and they do not want to pay R550 to use the road, nor R250... in fact, not even a cent extra.

It's fitting that in time for World Environment Week, the GBCSA has launched its Green Lease Toolkit, which they co-developed with the South African Property Owners' Association (SAPOA). The kit was officially launched at the SAPOA International Convention & Property Exhibition in Durban.

So you think you own that mobile? Wrong! If Simon Campbell-Young is correct, you won't own your mobile in future - it will own you.

Finally, and this will make car dealers happy... our motoring editor Henrie Geyser reports that new car sales accelerated to an eight-month high in May, and he also gets "buzzy" on the new BMW ActiveHybrid 5, which he reckons floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee.

Rod Baker, content director

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IT & Telecommunications

Continent's ICT sector to be discussed at indaba
PRETORIA: Africa's untapped Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector will be thrashed out at the ICT Indaba, which is to be addressed by President Jacob Zuma. After kicking off over the weekend and ending on 6 June 2012, the indaba will be addressed by the president on its second day. Communications Minister Dina Pule will deliver the opening address. Read more >>

You won't own your mobile in future, it will own you
[Simon Campbell-Young] As a trend, mobility has been steadily growing for the past 10 years and looks set to continue on this trajectory into the future. Mobile phones will become primary personal computing devices in place of personal computers (PCs). Read more >>

CT to host Enterprise Mobility Forum
Cape Town is preparing to host the first ever Enterprise Mobility Forum in June this year. This conference is designed specifically with CIOs and senior managers in mind and will focus on delivering a comprehensive overview of enterprise mobility topics and technologies to attendees. Samsung Mobile South Africa is the platinum sponsor of the event. Read more >>

Convergence trends to watch for in SA
Convergence is one of those buzzwords we have all heard numerous times over the past 15 years, but it is now a reality in many segments of the technology market. The lines between once-disparate services, such as voice and data, have blurred, while the boundaries between traditional IT and telecommunications are disappearing. Read more >>


Fibre infrastructure investment to benefit Eastern Cape
Dark Fibre Africa (DFA) is currently deploying a fibre infrastructure to the value of R72-million in the Eastern Cape region. More than 100 kilometres of fibre is being laid in the region that includes Mthata and East London. This project will not only launch the region into the digital age, but it will also bring significant investment into the area. Read more >>


Telkom CEO 'not hopeful' on future of KT Corp deal
Telkom CEO Nombulelo Moholi is "not hopeful" the government will reverse its decision and back the proposed transaction with South Korea's KT Corporation. The Cabinet's decision to take the deal off the table is being seen as another example of the government's reluctance to loosen its grip on the ailing company, thus stifling access to telecommunications. Read more >>

SKA holds ramifications for IT sector
South Africa's victory in being chosen to host the bulk of the world's most powerful radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), holds major ramifications for the information technology sector. South Africa will host 70% of the R23bn super-telescope, hailed as the largest scientific project in the world. Read more >>


A2P SMS messaging continues to grow
[Dr Pieter Streicher] Companies should be careful of buying into the doomsday predictions around the demise of SMS. If they do, they will risk missing out on the excellent business opportunities that the SMS channel offers them. Read more >>


Master data management is a business discipline - Consology
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DIY US online tax prep filings up 11%
RESTON, US: comScore, Inc has released an analysis of the Online Tax Preparation segment for the tax season ending 18 April 2012, which showed that the volume of tax returns or units filed online grew 11% from the previous year. Among online do-it-yourself (DIY) tax preparation providers, comScore data showed that Intuit continued to lead the market with nearly 60% of all tax units filed online through the end of the tax season. The three largest DIY online tax preparation providers (Intuit, TaxACT and H&R Block) accounted for more than 92% of DIY tax units filed online for the season. Read more >>

BlackBerry 10 Jam World Tour kicks off in Milan
MILAN, ITALY: The BlackBerry 10 Jam World Tour held its first stop in Milan yesterday, providing Italian developers with the opportunity to learn more about the unique capabilities of BlackBerry 10 and become one of the first to develop for the new platform. More than 200 developers pre-registered for the sold out hands-on event at NHOW Hotel, via Tortona 35, Milan. Read more >>

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Organised and on the go with free fax to email - Interactive Telephony
Between airport lounges and hotel rooms - and on rare occasions even your actual office, the normal workday can be a nomadic affair. Fortunately staying connected has become easier and cheaper than ever before thanks to mobile devices. And thanks to fax to email you can also receive important, signed documents even while a few time zones away from your desk. Read more >>

ICT can help improve services to people
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can help governments across the continent improve services given to citizens, Communications Minister Dina Pule says. Read more >>

Govt hangs up on Telkom; shares plunge
The government hung up on South Korea's KT Corporation on Friday after the company had spent months in talks over investing in Telkom. Telkom's share price plunged 8.34% to close at an eight-year low of R22.91c. Read more >>

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HTML 5/Javascript/JQuery Developer - Blairgowrie
Junior HTML5, JQuery and Javascript developer join our rapidly growing company in app development. Become part of the team creating tablet and smartphone apps for Apple, Android and Amazon. Read more >>

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