16 Feb 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Online experience holds the key to how consumers buy cars
[David Furlonger] Online connectivity is changing forever the way consumers are buying vehicles... read

Maintenance & Safety
Factors determining car insurance premiums

Rory Judd

Insurance premiums aren't the same for everyone and there are good reasons for that. Broadly speaking, your insurer will calculate your risk of getting into an incident or the risk... read
Manufacturing & Parts
SA motor industry relying on exports

David Furlonger

Vehicle manufacturers are relying on exports to keep production lines busy and counter a dismal local market that analysts say could continue to shrink for another two years... read
Motoring Reviews
Volksie Kombi replays popular tunes

Henrie Geyser: motoring editor

I have been to most of the lovely game parks in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe in a wide variety of vehicles, but a recent 3,000km trip from Cape Town up the Garden route... read
Tiger Wheel & Tyre sponsors 2016 Formula One season broadcast

Issued by Tiger Wheel & Tyre

It will come as no great surprise to local Formula One fans to hear that Tiger Wheel & Tyre is once again the broadcast sponsor of the 2016 F1 season on DStv's SuperSport channels... read
Retail & Rental
Daimler opens new Regional Centre for Commercial Vehicles
Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA), along with its brand divisions Daimler Trucks & Buses and Mercedes-Benz Vans, has opened a new Regional Centre Southern Africa... read
Ford to launch FordPass to enhance consumer convenience
Ford Motor Company has announced the launch of FordPass - a platform that reimagines the relationship between the automaker and consumer... read
Shape the way you want to pay: Kia Motors launches innovative new FlexiFinance program

Issued by Kia Motors South Africa

Thanks to the launch of Kia FlexiFinance, the quest for affordability will no longer mean compromising on the quality of new vehicle you buy... read
Volvo expands in North America

Boris Dzhingarov, Issued by Monetary Library

The big Swedish car manufacturer decided to expand their workings recently, and opened a plant for manufacturing of cars on US soil... read
Building your profile in the business world
In this world, you ultimately receive exactly what your inward authentic self truly feels you deserve, no more and no less. Building your profile in business is very much about building your profile in life... read
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Watch the Entire 50-Year Evolution of the Porsche 911 https://t.co/poFQFEoxW9 https://t.co/HL94MjLT2Z - Tue Feb 16
25 Pictures That Beautifully Capture The Madness of the Monte Carlo Rally https://t.co/zj60Nzc881 https://t.co/T76UbbpYrp - Tue Feb 16
.@BMW drops plug-in hybrid madness into cars under the name 'iPerformance' https://t.co/f0sYJKz8aK https://t.co/RBV29BCusf - Tue Feb 16
We know you'll enjoy watching three of the most powerful SUVs around compete in a drag race: https://t.co/Ucrm2M51a3 https://t.co/3vDu9BjAz0 - Tue Feb 16
Can A Ludicrous @TeslaMotors Model X Beat A Ludicrous Model S In A Drag Race? https://t.co/VbXtMP0VrT https://t.co/Z6rKs2Hfnf - Tue Feb 16
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