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IT & Telecommunications

Weekly top stories

Wi-Fi Forum of South Africa launched
An inaugural conference of the Wi-Fi Forum of South Africa was recently held, officially establishing the Forum as an active player in the development of the country's Wi-Fi sector... read more>>

Five challenges for enterprise mobility in 2015

Brendan Mc Aravey

In recent years there has been an increase in the business orientation of IT. No longer does IT work in a silo, thinking narrowly in terms of infrastructure and capabilities... read more>>
IT Leaders Africa Summit gets new sponsor
Performanta has confirmed as a platinum sponsor at IT Leaders Africa Summit, taking place from 18-19 March 2015 at The Maslow Hotel in Johannesburg... read more>>
On-the-go power

Anton Vukic

Enterprise mobility is a hot topic for organisations of all types and sizes, and implementing mobility initiatives is top of most CIO's priority lists... read more>>
Cyber Security
More companies are favouring managed IT security services

Richard Broeke

More South African companies are beginning to favour managed IT security services... read more>>
Politically motivated cyber-attacks now a reality
Following last year's Sony cyber-attack, in which Sony executives were left red-faced following the leak of sensitive company information into the public domain, Richard Keymer is predicting a marked increase in politically motivated attacks in the year ahead... read more>>
Data Management
Wings Travel Management launches GoData
Wings Travel Management has launched GoData an intuitive, mobile-enabled business intelligence tool that gives clients direct access to every aspect of their travel data... read more>>
Why big data should be a priority at the moment

Shane Moodley

Today, with the advancement of technology and the emergence of the information highway, we are now living in what is called the 'data age'... read more>>
Quality data is vital to decreasing fraud in the insurance industry

Ian Logan

Businesses and consumers alike typically consider insurance to be a grudging purchase - something they need to have, but that does not add value... read more>>
Wear the Apple, rather than eat it...
Rumours flew every which way before the global launch of the Apple Watch this week. Memeburn covered all angles of expectations and local realities... read more>>
Study finds that children are encountering dangerous content on the internet
The Kaspersky Lab study 'Children Online' has revealed that, in 2014, 68% of users of Kaspersky Lab's Parental Control technologies encountered inappropriate or dangerous content online... read more>>
How the NSP industry will impact the provision of Internet Access into Africa

Edward Lawrence

From the recent South African SONA and Budget Speech 2015, it is clear that the development of the country's ICT sector has become a focus area for South African government... read more>>
Enormous business benefits from SSL certificates
A greater adoption of Secure Socket Layers (SSL) certificates is essential if website owners want to better their Google search engine rankings... read more>>
A million registrations for .za
The number of registered .za domain names has recently reached and exceeded the 1 million mark... read more>>
How web meetings help your B2B business to grow

John Reiley

Any B2B company likely has its fair share of meetings amongst colleagues, vendors and clients. Several years ago, there were only two primary ways in which these meetings could take place, either over a telephone conference call, or face to face... read more>>
R2K up in arms over FPB's internet censorship proposals
The Right2Know Campaign has called on the public to reject the Film and Publications Board's (FPB) proposals to censor the internet in South Africa... read more>>
The most convenient Android Apps

Chelsea Petersen

One of the best parts of technology is the development of new smartphone apps... read more>>
A new breed of app platform
The need to build compelling and highly usable customer-, employee- and partner-facing mobile apps is driving a new breed of app platform: Rapid Application Delivery (RAD)... read more>>
Samsung launches online repair booking service
Samsung Electronics South Africa has launched a new online Cyber Service Centre... read more>>
Eset releases results of smartphone usage survey
Eset has conducted a survey on social media of smartphone usage prior to the Mobile World Congress... read more>>
Cisco Certified Partner Status for iWayAfrica Zimbabwe
iWayAfrica Zimbabwe has been awarded its Cisco Select Certified Partner status... read more>>
Technology mistakes that small businesses make and how to address them

Sufyan Mkwanda

Small businesses need to dedicate their time and focus on knowing their own industry and that often means that effective technology practices are sometimes overlooked... read more>>
Telecel Zim faces closure
Cabinet has set up a committee to begin the process to get Telecel Zimbabwe cease operations in line with a directive by the Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services... read more>>
Merkel urges closer tech ties with rising IT giant China
HANOVER, GERMANY: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged closer high-tech cooperation with China as she opened a major IT business fair where the Asian giant is the official partner country... read more>>
China's ambitious IT sector lays claim to global role
HANOVER, GERMANY: China's huge IT sector is out in force in Germany this week, signalling to the world it is ready to not just copy but lead as a tech superpower... read more>>
Yahoo sees 'end-to-end' email encryption by year-end
WASHINGTON DC, US: Yahoo said Sunday it plans to introduce "end-to-end encryption" for email this year to boost privacy protection for users concerned about snooping from governments or hackers... read more>>
US charges filed in largest internet breach on record
WASHINGTON DC, US: US authorities have revealed charges against two Vietnamese nationals and one Canadian in connection with a computer fraud scheme to steal more than one billion email addresses... read more>>
Apple Watch may move the needle on wearable tech
SAN FRANCISCO, US: Apple launched its first new product category since 2010, with its smartwatch... read more>>
As hacking grows, biometric security gains momentum
WASHINGTON DC, US: With hackers seemingly running rampant online and millions of users compromised, efforts for stronger online identity protection - mainly using biometrics - are gaining momentum... read more>>
Duncan Trigg, David Shiffman join comScore
More International
Jobs offered
Web Developer/Designer - Johannesburg
We are looking for talented professionals to join our passionate team at Cars.co.za. If you'd like to work in our awesome environment please contact us. Read more >>

New events to diarise
Executive Think Tank 2015
nlighten - 14 May 2015, Johannesburg

George Bernard Shaw
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

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Sony SmartBand SWR10 review: easy to lose, easy to forget via gearburn http://t.co/e9UBzbpLBj - Tue Mar 17
Apple TV streaming service coming in June with 25 channels http://t.co/vtCdIEMAfv - Tue Mar 17
How to Set Up a Secure Home Email Server http://t.co/rxDgDWkNXf http://t.co/Ns7Y0AiDBi - Tue Mar 17
Apple plans online TV service - report http://t.co/07VPfvIhnd - Tue Mar 17
Headset offers virtual reality you can control with your hands http://t.co/95ZjbatgRq - Tue Mar 17
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