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Execution of Copyright Amendment Bill 'abysmal'
[Prof Owen Dean] The Copyright Amendment Bill, published by the dti in the Government Gazette of 27 July 2015, has some good points but the execution is abysmal... read more>>

Commercial Law
Please tell us about advertising and marketing law issues of concern to you

Issued by Marketing Mix Conferences

Seven legal authorities will be addressing a host of current issues at the annual Advertising & Marketing Law Conference in Johannesburg on 3 September... read more>>
Land & Property Law
Six tips for creating a foreign will to deal with offshore assets

Judy Snyman

Many South Africans are investing offshore with important consequences for their estate planning. If you have invested offshore, consider whether you need a foreign will to deal with your foreign assets on your death... read more>>
Interim report on estate duty released by Davis Tax Commission

Johann Jacobs

The Davis Tax Committee's interim report on estate duty made to the Minister of Finance has been made public. The Committee's frame of reference was to consider the continued role and relevance of estate duty in South Africa... read more>>
Law Practice
Lewis Group rejects bad practices claims

Andries Mahlangu

Lewis Group on Friday rejected claims of bad practices involving two of its subsidiaries... read more>>
Vicarious liability - three relationships

Jayne Cross

Vicarious liability is where a party can be held liable for the wrongful acts of another on the basis of the particular relationship that exists between the parties... read more>>
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Freedom of opinion & freedom of expression are indispensable for a person's full development - UN, 2011. #Angola https://t.co/Sk1gm6UTJ2 - Tue Aug 11
RT @LSInternational: Speaking opportunity available for session on international Islamic finance at Law Society seminar, Istanbul, 15 Sept ... - Tue Aug 11
<RT>Crucial #OscarEvidence in the Oscar Pistorius case the court never got to hear. Watch http://t.co/vfYSvvX9KT http://t.co/9TwpzEenpm - Tue Aug 11
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