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CSI & Sustainability
2018 Global Citizen Award open for nominations
The fourth annual Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award is now open for nominations... read
Circular Economy
Local inventor finds way to generate gas from plastic trash

Farren Collins

From building alien spaceships on the set of the film District 9 to setting up his own hydroponic system at home, innovator Pierre "Pops" Pretorius always had an idea floating around in his head... read
Climate Change
Warming climate will displace millions in coming decades: World Bank
The number of people fleeing crop failures, droughts and rising sea levels will grow drastically over the next three decades if world governments do not intervene... read
Education & Training
Top minds to meet at Africa Shared Value Summit this May

Issued By Shift Social Development

The second annual Africa Shared Value Summit, taking place on 24-25 May, will play host to some of the brightest business stars from across the African continent... read
Enterprise development - the gift that keeps on giving

Issued By Enterprises University of Pretoria

What started out as an Enterprise Development (ED) initiative in 2014 has produced exponential results for BT Conglomerate... read
Environment & Natural Resources
Future 'ocean cities' need green engineering above and below the waterline

Katherine Dafforn, Ana Bugnot, Eliza Heery, Marian

Population growth has seen skylines creep ever higher and entire cities rise from ocean depths... read
Paradigm shift as African countries throw their weight behind ivory ban

Caroline Cox

Calls from conservation groups for a strong line and a near total ban on the sale of ivory were strengthened last week when 32 African nations... read
Scientists warn of continued dangerous decline in biodiversity, nature's contributions
According to four landmark reports released last week, biodiversity continues to decline in every region of the world... read
Food, Water & Energy Security
Making water management a priority

Issued By Enterprises University of Pretoria

This year, National Water Week was observed on 17-23 March under the theme "Water is Life - 20 Years of Water Delivery for Social and Economic Development"... read
Making water infrastructure intelligent is a water wise move for Africa

Sabine Dall'Omo

Rapid urbanisation across the continent is having an effect on water demands and it is estimated that by the year 2030, the world will need 40% more water than its current accessible, reliable supply... read
Inclusion & Equality
Cape Town to pilot "safe space" for homeless people

Aidan Jones

A "safe space" for homeless people at the Culemborg bridge in the Cape Town city centre should be operational in May 2018, according to JP Smith, mayco member for safety and security, and social services... read
#FairnessFirst: Attention! Alexa and Siri are not real-life 'women in tech'!

Leigh Andrews

There's been much outrage among the social media set this week - not just over the Cambridge Analytica scandal, but also over the severe lack of knowledge of female tech leaders... read
Infrastructure and Technology
How local business innovation equips off-grid households with electricity

Patrick Greene

If the old adage is true and necessity is the mother of invention, then ingenuity must surely be the father... read
Port Louis is Africa's best city: Mercer survey
According to Mercer's 2018 Quality of Living Survey, Port Louis is the best city in Africa, ranking 83rd globally. The Mauritian city is followed by Durban (89), Cape Town (94) and Johannesburg (95)... read
Ultra-thin sun shield could protect Great Barrier Reef
An ultra-fine biodegradable film some 50,000 times thinner than a human hair could be enlisted to protect the Great Barrier Reef... read
Pollution & Waste Management
Only half of plastic bag levy has gone to support recycling

Guy Rogers

Only about half of the nearly R2bn raised through the plastic supermarket bag levy has been officially allocated to recycling... read
Joburg plans to clear the air

Kate Ferreira

As more and more people flock to cities, the threat of environmental pollution and its associated health risks grow - conjuring images of swarms of people in pollution masks... read
Gambian activists take action against polluting Chinese firm
Gambian environmental activists on Thursday, 22 March, removed a pipe dumping waste from a Chinese animal feed factory directly into the sea after months of complaints that it was a health hazard... read
Bill Gates to visit Nigeria
Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is to visit Nigeria... read
The private members club set to transform Africa

Cari Coetzee

The QSL Members Club will be an incubator for Africa's leading lights, an organic platform for ideas to be birthed, connections to be forged and for plans to be set in motion... read
LaunchLab invites entrepreneurs to pitch startup ideas
The Stellenbosch University LaunchLab is inviting entrepreneurs to pitch their startup business ideas in multiple industries and stand the chance to win incubation support to the value of R50,000... read
Turning cities into sponges to mitigate climate change and build the 'eco cities' of our future ?? #Cities4Climate
It could be the beginning of the end for endangered right whales.
The global movement for women's rights must not leave #ruralwomen behind. Join us & support ALL women in claiming t...
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