17 Feb 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Who celebrity advocates are really targeting. And it's not you.
[Heba Aly] In recent years, aid agencies have increasingly used celebrity advocates to raise awareness and money for their causes. There's just one snag... read more>>

De Lille represents 'model school' for disadvantaged learners

Mayor of Cape Town Patricia de Lille has agreed to represent Christel House South Africa (CHSA) in upholding the school's mission to redefine the role of education in South Africa...


From Vital Foundation to charity organisation to someone in need

An already strained public health system simply cannot offer adequate care for those in need, which is why charity organisations assisting those who have suffered abuse are so important. But these organisations cannot function optimally without assistance and that is where the Vital Foundation comes in...


[Learn Accounting] It's about people, team fit and technology

Jessica Taylor

At Tuesday's Learn Accounting launch, Jacqui Kew, Associate Professor at the UCT College of Accounting, explained that students are of the mindset that achieving very high marks is the most important thing...


Education & Training
Mthente releases CSI impact study for Hout Bay partnerships
An independent impact study by research consultancy Mthente has assessed the effect of the Oceana Foundation's corporate social investment (CSI) contribution to Hout Bay and the Sentinel Primary School in particular... read more>>
UCT introduces Learn Accounting: new online teaching platform
University of Cape Town's College of Accounting has developed an innovative teaching platform to help Zulu-, Xhosa-speaking accounting students master complex principles... read more>>
Cycling can change the world

Issued by TSiBA Education

22 cyclists will battle blood, sweat and tears for 108km in the 38th Cape Town Cycle Tour to raise funds for scholarships for students who otherwise would not have the means to study at tertiary level... read more>>
Every graduate needs a ceremony

Issued by The Euclid Society

The Euclid Society will be holding a graduation ceremony on 2 April for the candidates who have completed their pilot programme, Financial Literacy, or "FinLit" as it's called... read more>>
Greening & Environment
Engen installs pilot solar power system
A pilot solar power installation has been implemented at the Engen All Africa Convenience Centre in Alexandra, Gauteng... read more>>
South African first township BMX oval gets ICT facility
It's the MTN SA Foundation's mandate to connect communities and provide people with the tools to create a better life for themselves. In so doing, the Foundation has partnered with the Velokhaya Life Cycling Academy to establish an ICT facility and upgrade South Africa's first township BMX oval in Khayelitsha... read more>>
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Gender based violence, HIV Aids
Rape Crisis Cape Town - 23 Feb 2015 to 30 Apr 2015, Cape Town

John C. Maxwell
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."

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Biz press office welcome

Shanduka Foundation has opened a press office on Bizcommunity.com!
Shanduka Foundation
Shanduka Foundation aims to contribute to the social well being of South Africans, particularly by investing in education, skills development and small business development.

RT @ChiMarathon: Want to run the #ChiMarathon? Entries will be available in March. Visit http://t.co/LHNB3WYyZu for more details. http://t.... - Tue Feb 17
NYC has created more jobs over the past five years than during any five-year period in the last half century http://t.co/oBrrJ8IWJW - Tue Feb 17
Everyone has the power to inspire and serve the world. #leadfromwithin #leadership - Tue Feb 17
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