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Healthcare South Africa

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What the POPI Act means for medical aid schemes
When implemented, the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act will fundamentally change the way personal data is managed and a patient's medical information and history are particularly

High-tech solutions to improve patient care in Africa
Healthcare is getting more high-tech - from electronic medical records and patient self-tracking to informatics and minimally invasive procedures - and nurses are at the forefront of using these innovative solutions to improve patient care in Africa... read
Food Crisis
Making food safety a priority

Issued By Enterprises University of Pretoria

Understanding the basic principles of food microbiology and safety is vital to preventing contamination of food products and subsequent illness in consumers... read
Medical Research
Immortality: Science fiction or science fact?

Issued By Media Insider

Researchers have recently taken high-quality images of the illusive telomerase, the protective 'caps' you find on the end of eukaryotic chromosomes... read
Public Health
Ebola outbreak in DRC: Are we better prepared this time?

Connor Bamford

It is almost certain that we won't see a repeat of the 2014-16 West African epidemic that claimed 11,000 lives, but healthcare experts need to act swiftly, nonetheless... read
How African businesses can comply with new EU data laws

Pieter Bensch

The six steps that African businesses can take to comply with new European Union data privacy laws... read
Jobs offered
Universal health care is both desirable and possible, even in poor countries
What do KZN's collapsing cancer care and #LifeEsidimeni have in common? Criminal charges. Maybe. Find out via...
RT @WHOSEARO: Trans #fat intake is responsible for more than 500 000 deaths from coronary heart #disease each year around the world. Elimin...
Healthcare, freelanced: Where will gig economy workers get coverage?
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