31 Jul 2012



That's what she said

As the weather warms up, so do the parties. What with Women's Day just around the corner, a few fairer sex celebratory parties have been announced; the humorously titled That's What She Said series, and equally amusingly and provocatively titled Slippery 'n' Wet event, both see international DJ's grace the decks for the Women's Day long weekend. In other music news, I chat to Paul Rez of the recently reunited Lark ahead of their new album launch and tour.

In motoring news, Henrie Geyser finds the newly tweaked VW Amarok much improved. On the travel side of things, Brian Berkman finds out what professional tour operator Dawn Jorgensen loves about Being The Incidental Tourist in the latest [10 Things I Love About...] series.

Superhero movies continue to kick ass at the box office; Daniel Dercksen checks out the much hyped The Dark Knight Rises, and is greatly impressed.

New competitions this week include two golden circle tickets to either the Cape Town or Joburg concert for San Diego band Switchfoot, two tickets to the new Spotlight series featuring DJ Phat Jack in Cape Town and two tickets to HAEZER's EP launch at Assembly.

Happy Tuesday!

Ruth Cooper, production manager (@biz_lounge)

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Struck on Lark
[Ruth Cooper] It took two years, much transatlantic communications and the destruction of a fair amount of recording equipment for the eagerly anticipated third studio album from dramatically edgy rock/electronic outfit Lark to come to fruition. "Gong Is Struck" has risen, however, and was debuted to an appreciative Trinity crowd last Friday. We chat to producer/guitarist Paul Rez ahead of their national album tour and find out more about the journey and inspiration behind this punchy primal/tear-your-heart-out album. Read more >>

Slippery 'n' Wet on Women's Day
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Top Ibiza DJ stars at Women's Day parties
In celebration of Women's Day, the That's What She Said series of parties, featuring international DJ Sarah Main from the Pacha, Ibiza, accompanied by many of SA's top female talents, will be held in Cape Town, Durban and Joburg between 9 and 11 August, 2012. Read more >>

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