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Education & Training

Weekly top stories
Varsities warn of difficult year
Vice-chancellors of South Africa's universities have warned that next year may be difficult and have called on the country to prioritise the funding of higher education with urgency... read

Milpark hosts interactive demonstration of its online learning platform

Issued by Milpark Education

Milpark Education, a recognised private and higher education institution, recently hosted a launch to showcase the online short courses offered by its School of Investment & Banking and School of Financial Planning & Insurance... read
Health & Welfare
School nutrition reduces stunting and obesity
Research has found that both lunch only and lunch and breakfast in-school nutrition programmes significantly improve the health outcomes of children living in poor conditions and have promising educational effects... read
Higher Education
New colleges on the cards
Government has begun the process of establishing fifteen technical vocational education and training (TVET) colleges across the country, says the Presidency... read
Student funds to help 3300 students

Prega Governder

The government has seemingly snubbed a R1bn financial aid package from the Public Investment Corporation that could have helped 3300 students from middle-class families secure a place at university... read
Vocational education can drive economic growth
Vocational education and training (VET) can significantly benefit individuals and businesses, but VET is not getting the traction and recognition needed to attract a large number of students, according to a new report from the City & Guilds Group... read
R1.4bn set aside for qualifying students
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has set aside a total of R1.4bn to pay institutions upfront at the beginning of 2016 academic year... read
A place in the sun for university graduate
Alvercia Juries is the first person in her family to attain a tertiary qualification and the first belonging to South Africa's network of Fairtrade-accredited farms... read
Milpark's MBA amongst the best in SA

Issued by Milpark Education

PMR.africa has recently completed its survey on Accredited Business Schools offering MBA degrees in South Africa and Milpark Business School in Johannesburg has received the Silver Arrow Award for its third consecutive year... read
Primary & Secondary Education
WISE to host first 2015/16 Learners' Voice Programme session
The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Learners' Voice Programme will host a residential session in Doha, Qatar, bringing together 33 young learners for an intensive ten day workshop on education leadership at the Qatar National Convention Centre... read
Retailers focus on educational wins
Over and above the expected 'back to school' specials, Shoprite and Checkers are giving back through their educationally-minded initiatives of 'Class of 2016' and 'Feed a Child, Nourish a Mind'. Here's how... read
Skills Development & Training
Mentoring - the ultimate New Year's resolution
Eat less, exercise more, work harder, take more time off, become a volunteer. Ever notice how your New Year's resolutions stay the same year after year, yet you never actually turn your end-of-year determination into the life-changing habits and career growth you envisioned? read
Empowering the previously disadvantaged through upskilling
With a high unemployment rate, Africa is sitting on a largely untapped pool of resources that has the potential to drive economic growth... read
Skills Training
Graduates failing to get state jobs
Thousands of newly qualified social work graduates, who paid for their studies with state bursaries on the basis that they would work for the state after graduating, have been left high and dry across the country... read
Equipping matrics with usable work skills
As the 2015 academic year closes and academic performance across the country is met with scrutiny, a greater case should be made to extending skills to prepare school leavers to participate in the global economy... read
Branding lessons learned from religion (Part 1)

Jimmy Tembo

When we try to find the common denominator between a business and church, we easily appreciate the fact that the first intention is to attract people... read
Four top tips to avoid startup failure

Endri Hasanaj

Business startups are a spin of the wheel, a bigger gamble than betting on a racehorse that's primed for the glue factory... read
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Art isn't just good for the mind, it's good for the body too https://t.co/XubnPAiMwX - Tue Jan 05
Want to become a better learner this year? Start by letting old skills go: https://t.co/2JTomGapXT - Tue Jan 05
#MatricResults Education Minister will announce national pass rate tonight, will be live at 18:00 on @DStv 403 and https://t.co/JDOX5xiiew - Tue Jan 05
TED-Ed Educators and TED Speakers recommend 50 books for you to pick up in 2016: https://t.co/TUuvg3hrLn https://t.co/HJs4JmC550 - Tue Jan 05
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