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Weekly top stories
Gov backtracks on B-BBEE Codes
[Helgard Janse van Rensburg] Government has backtracked after publishing a General Notice which had the effect of virtually abolishing the recognition of ownership rights achieved using B-BBEE Schemes... read more>>

Aviation authority introduces regulations for drones

SACAA will be introducing new regulations that will help regulate remotely piloted aircraft systems, popularly known as drones...


Emirates Airlines bans transport of hunting trophies

Emirates Airlines have banned the transportation of hunting trophies on all its services effective Friday, 15 May 2015...


Cutting services to property

Chantelle Gladwin and Ramon Pereira

This article examines the rights and obligations of a property owner and a municipality in a situation where a property owner has requested the municipality to disconnect services...


R3m boost for SA's small claims courts
South Africa has signed a R3m extension agreement with the Swiss Confederation on the re-engineering of Small Claims Courts... read more>>
Commercial Law
Who is obliged to report a reportable arrangement?

Ben Strauss

The list of reportable arrangements was extended by the South African Revenue Service in a notice (SARS Notice) published on 16 March 2015 in terms of s35(2) and s36(4) of the Tax Administration Act, No 28 of 2011 (TAA)... read more>>
Tax laws are not in line with growth in digital economy
Charles de Wet, head of Indirect Tax, PwC Africa, says South Africa's tax laws have not kept pace with the growth of the digital economy and changes in the way in which business is conducted... read more>>
Liquidation a tool to save a business

Nanika Prinsloo

Starting a business involves risk. Sometimes businesses do well and sometimes they fail. That is just the nature of business... read more>>
Labour Law
DLA Piper contributes to global employment law guide
DLA Piper's Employment group has produced a global employment law guide entitled, A Global Guide to Restrictive Covenants, which highlights the legal provisions of restrictive covenants in 33 key jurisdictions across the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa... read more>>
Labour legislation and maternity leave

Naledi Motsiri and Olivia Eleanor Timothy

Internationally, the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) allows for a woman to whom this Convention applies a period of maternity leave of not less than 14 weeks... read more>>
Implications of loadshedding for employers

Jacques van Wyk and Michiel Heyns

The recent announcement of the implementation of loadshedding throughout the country may have severe implications for business and labour relations... read more>>
Filing of Employment Equity Reports

Jacques Van Wyk, Andre van Heerden and Brittany Fe

In terms of the Employment Equity Act (EEA), designated employers are obliged to submit an Employment Equity Report (EER) to the Director-General of the Department of Labour once every year on the first working day of October, or if an electronic report is submitted, on 15 January of the following year... read more>>
Employers must have tangible evidence to support dismissals

Hugo Pienaar and Joloudi Badenhorst

Section 188 of the Labour Relations Act, No 66 of 1995 permits an employer to dismiss an employee for reasons related to the employee's misconduct. Employers have tried to broaden the ambit of this form of dismissal by arguing that employees can be dismissed based on a suspicion of misconduct alone... read more>>
New dispensation for employees on contracts

Ingrid Lewin

From midnight on 31 March 2015 a new dispensation kicked in for employees on fixed term or part time contracts and for clients who employed the services of labour brokers (called temporary employment services in the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995)... read more>>
Land & Property Law
Expropriation Bill communists' blow against property rights

John Kane-Berman

Much of organised business and agriculture seem to have been too easily satisfied by the government's redrafted Expropriation Bill... read more>>
Law Practice
UCT launches new course to bridge gap between law and business skills

Issued by UCT Graduate School of Business

The need for legal practitioners to learn effective business skills has prompted the design of a course to help legal practitioners on the continent become successful leaders in emerging markets... read more>>
Focus increasingly falls on balanced leaders

Michelle Moss

Leadership styles change. What never changes is the need for corporate leaders to motivate teams, make profits and deliver efficiency improvements... read more>>
Time management 101

Andrew Macfarlane

"If your employees are constantly missing deadlines, lack focus and regularly overlook important details, these are sure signs that their time management skills aren't up to scratch..." read more>>
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Law School
Continuing Education at the University of Pretoria - 6 Jul 2015 to 10 Dec 2015, Pretoria

Upcoming events
The new rules of cross-examination
Continuing Education at the University of Pretoria - 25 May 2015 to 27 May 2015, Pretoria

4th Annual GovLaw Conference
Intelligence Transfer Centre - 26 May 2015 to 27 May 2015, Pretoria

J. K. Rowling
"If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."

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DCJ Moseneke: The Media, Courts and Technology: Remarks on the Media Coverage of the Pistorius Trial & Open Justice http://t.co/nndkVErRjT - Mon May 18
YouTube and Google win lawsuit in free speech battle over anti-Muslim film: http://t.co/k299FhLc6i - Mon May 18
RT @ConCourtSA: DCJ's #Newsmaker2014 speech on open justice now available on the Court's website: http://t.co/B5xAXz6FOr - Mon May 18
RT @mediadefence: East African Court of Justice condemns #Burundi press restrictions #BurundiCrisis #BurundiPressLaw http://t.co/vQMwws2ol2 - Mon May 18
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