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Weekly top stories
Attacks on foreign nationals have hurt SA, says Trade DM
Attacks on foreign nationals have been regrettable and sad and have also resulted in a loss of export foreign revenue, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Mzwandile Masina recently said... read more>>

Army deployed to Alex, KZN
Defence and Military Veterans Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula has deployed the army to Alexandra, north of Johannesburg, after a Zimbabwean couple was attacked and shot last night... read more>>
Talks could end SAA's court battle with CEO
Suspended South African Airways (SAA) CEO Monwabisi Kalawe and the airline have been in talks to agree on a settlement that could see him depart rather than continue with litigation, a source close to the matter said on Wednesday, 22 April... read more>>
Success of small businesses depends on government collaboration
SMEs contribute approximately 40% to South Africa's economy, with 50-60% of new jobs being created in the sector... read more>>
Eskom needs additional 3,000MW to avoid loadshedding
Eskom's acting CEO Brian Molefe says the utility needs to find an additional 3,000-megawatts of power in order to avoid loadshedding... read more>>
Task team to implement 2010 farmworkers' resolutions
PRETORIA: Delegates attending a stakeholder meeting with organised labour and agricultural organisations have agreed to establish a task team to follow up on the 2010 Farmworkers Summit resolutions... read more>>
Africa vital for SA economy: Minister
Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel has told factory workers that the continent is vital for the country's economy... read more>>
Registration opens for 2016 academic year

More Matshediso

PRETORIA: Hundreds of parents braved the chilly morning to be the first in line at schools around Gauteng to book a space for their children at schools close to their residential areas and places of work for the 2016 academic year... read more>>
Education Dialogue SA follows up on proposals to upgrade basic education
The Education Dialogue SA has come up with several concrete proposals to upgrade basic education and is currently seeking ministerial and cabinet approval... read more>>
115 graduate after intensive Transnet maritime training
SA plays part in knitting thousands of blankets
Law Enforcement
Agriculture sector unites against attacks on foreign nationals
PRETORIA: The agriculture sector has shown its support for efforts to combat attacks on foreign nationals... read more>>
Sanef outraged by abuse of journalists
The South African National Editors' Forum (Sanef) is outraged by four more incidents of the abuse of power by police officers, security personnel and taxi drivers against journalists... read more>>
Hawks head Dramat quits
The South African Police Service has been shaken by suspensions, resignations and the freezing of senior posts... read more>>
Learners warned against attacking foreign nationals
The Department of Basic Education has warned learners not to involve themselves in looting and attacking of foreign nationals... read more>>
Irish-owned mine acts to protect its SA Moz miners from retaliation
Balancing Eskom's books with prepaid meters?
Dutch to launch criminal probe into Uber
THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS: Dutch prosecutors on Friday announced a criminal probe into Uber, in the latest salvo of an increasingly bitter battle between European governments and the popular taxi service app... read more>>
British police question Piers Morgan over phone hacking
LONDON, UK: British police questioned Piers Morgan in connection with a phone hacking investigation, the television host and journalist said... read more>>
UK politician accused of unauthorised Wikipedia edits
LONDON, UK: The run-up to Britain's general election took an unexpected turn this week as the chairman of the Conservative Party was forced to deny allegations that he'd made unauthorised edits on Wikipedia... read more>>
World's Press calls on China to release journalist Gao Yu
PARIS, FRANCE / FRANKFURT, GERMANY: WAN-IFRA and the World Editors Forum have called on the Chinese authorities to release 71-year-old Chinese journalist Gao Yu... read more>>
More International
Six ways to balance work and family
In today's modern age it is difficult to live a life that balances your professional responsibilities with your family duties... read more>>
Jobs offered
Training Liaison Officer - Cape Town
Western Cape Government currently seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced training liaison officer (Ref. TPW 2015/212). Applications close: 30 April 2015 Read more >>

New events to diarise
ISO50001 Energy Management and Auditing
Bizstrat - 14 May 2015 to 15 May 2015, Johannesburg

Argus Africa LPG 2015
Argus Media - 20 Oct 2015 to 21 Oct 2015, Cape Town

Upcoming events
Strategic corporate social responsibility
The Professional Development Project - 4 May 2015 to 6 May 2015, Cape Town

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OPINION | #BinyavangaWainaina : Thank you, SA, for caring for me, says Kenyan student http://t.co/GG1zJqOgdV #xenophobia - Tue Apr 28
Nigeria says ambassador recall from SA is 'usual practice' >> http://t.co/DwDEEQWRv3 http://t.co/WrtRHIVmfq - Tue Apr 28
Freedom Day? SANDF conducts Joburg stop-and-search patrols. http://t.co/CAA6bdF1IA by GREG NICOLSON @gregnicolson http://t.co/2T3tVOmmCf - Tue Apr 28
Israeli ambassador to SA must be expelled http://t.co/1Cynnjh90Z - Tue Apr 28
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