7 Jul 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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IT & Telecommunications

Weekly top stories
Mobile is the key to SA's digital scene
The mass market is now staying connected and this is becoming more and more prevalent, this market owns more sim cards than toothbrushes and 93% own mobile phones... read more>>

CIOs asked to rise to the digital challenge
Taking place at the CTICC from September 28 to 30, the annual Gartner Symposium/ITxpo will examine the need for companies to evolve into a digital business and remain competitive... read more>>
Risky business: is your IT securing #GenMobile?

Matthew Barker

A guy named Ben once said, "When you're finished changing, you're finished." It's a great maxim for living life, but it's just as relevant to how you approach corporate data security... read more>>
Cloud Computing
Winners of the One Africa Partner Summit 2015 Awards announced
Winners of the Africa Channel Partner Awards were announced at the Cisco One Africa Partner Summit 2015 which took place from 23 - 25 June 2015 in Limpopo, South Africa... read more>>
Datatex launches iRecall Amethyst Replication in the Cloud

Issued by Datatex Dynamics

iRecall Amethyst Replication in the Cloud (ARC) is a service that allows existing Amethyst users to create real-time, duplicate recordings off-site, i.e. stored safely in the cloud and fully managed and monitored by Datatex... read more>>
Cyber Security
Retail companies take 200 days to identify advanced cyber threats, survey reveals
The most serious security challenge retail organisations face are advanced cyber threats. According to a new Ponemon Institute Survey... read more>>
Data Management
Understanding the legal side of electronic signatures in South Africa
The world is moving toward greater levels of digitisation, and organisations are increasingly implementing electronic and automated solutions... read more>>
Is your Smartphone the real deal?
Counterfeit goods have increasingly become a problem in South Africa. Not only is the clothing industry suffering under the scourge of counterfeit goods but the... read more>>
Implementing Enterprise Wi-Fi and it's challenges
Today, it is imperative for companies to be equipped with high-performance enterprise Wi-Fi to achieve optimum productivity. With all the advancements in deploying a Wi-Fi network... read more>>
Netshield launches industrial ethernet products
Netshield South Africa announced the availability of a range of Industrial Ethernet products. The products are designed to assist industrial customers... read more>>
Mobey Forum: the future of biometrics in finacial services
To ensure consistent, easy and convenient services for end users, the financial services industry must set aside competition... read more>>
Innovation hub gives "disruptive technology" a lift
An innovation hub which caters for both start-up and existing businesses has been opened in Port Elizabeth... read more>>
The real cost of IT
The initial cost of a company laptop represents less than 30 percent of the total cost of owning and using it. The remaining 70 percent is... read more>>
Intervate wins at global Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards
Actually, the future of your contact centre does not depend on technology

Darren Arnold

The 2015 Dimension Data Global Contact Centre Benchmarking Report shows that contact centre operators and owners understand that their existing technology capabilities... read more>>
MTN SA CEO resigns
MOBOfree launches first-of-a-kind ID verification program in Nigeria and Uganda
Leading African social marketplace, MOBOfree, announced the launch of the first-of-a-kind ID verification program in Nigeria and Uganda read more>>
More Africa
Government news
App promotes Mandela's principles
An app has been developed to encourage citizens to make every day a Mandela Day by helping those in need... read more>>
More Government news
Preparing financially for a job loss
We often welcome a fresh start with open arms and we've all heard the expression that a change is as good as a holiday. But if a new beginning comes unexpectedly in the form of a retrenchment or a job loss, it can turn your world upside down... read more>>
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
ICT Africa Cape Town
IT Conferences - 15 Jul 2015 to 16 Jul 2015, Cape Town

Niccolo Machiavelli
"He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command."

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Biz press office welcome

Datatex Dynamics has opened a press office on Bizcommunity.com!
Datatex Dynamics
The core focus of Datatex is to develop solutions for call recording, management of call and management of telephone costs.

RT @GES2015Kenya: Come meet the brilliant Kenyan innovators & entrepreneurs during this year's #GES2015Kenya @UKenyatta #ChooseKenya http... - Tue Jul 07
New survey reveals how South Africans use mobile devices in the workplace via memeburn http://t.co/fBebouJfXL - Tue Jul 07
We asked you bring your dream apps to life, and here were the most creative submissions: http://t.co/BnEZz4jgM8 #RewriteAppPromo - Tue Jul 07
RT @ForbesTech: The "lack of women in tech is not a universal problem - it's homegrown, out of American culture." http://t.co/GSQIuv2ddu - Tue Jul 07
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