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Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry

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How Nando's creates shared value for farmers in southern Africa
Sam Hirst, Nando's Peri-Peri Farming Initiative manager shared how Nando's creates shared value for small farmers in southern Africa who farm their unique African Bird's Eye Chillies used in the Peri-Peri flavour Nando's is famous
Current land reform challenges need to be fixed before moving forward
Current land reform challenges need to be fixed before moving forward
Constitutional changes will not address the current issues impeding the success of land reform. What the country needs for successful land reform is a diverse and flexible set of instruments to enable its
Nampo 2018: South African agriculture is live and well
Despite the uncertainties currently facing South African producers, Nampo 2018 saw a new record in attendance figures, with positive feedback from exhibitors... read
Premier Fishing and Brands Limited set on growth path
JSE-listed Premier Fishing and Brands Limited, one of the largest black-owned and managed fishing companies in South Africa, announced sterling results for the interim period to 28 February 2018... read
From camels to catfish, Algeria boosts fish farming in the Sahara Desert

Thin Lei Win

Farming fish in the desert might sound counterintuitive but Algeria hopes to tap the huge aquifers beneath the Sahara - that covers about 80% of the country - as it seeks new ways to feed its growing population and diversify its oil-based economy... read
Commodities & Fairtrade
High packout the sweet spot for improved apple strain, Flash Gala
Flash Gala, the trademarked fruit of Bigbucks trees, joins other global top fruit brands such as Pink Lady, the improved Cripps Pink strain and is poised to disrupt the global fresh fruit industry... read
Fertilisers & GMOs
Grant agreement to enhance supply and utilisation of fertiliser in Africa
FAPA donors and the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership have signed a grant agreement which will help increase affordability, accessibility and incentives for fertiliser use among smallholder farmers in Africa and expand the supply and distribution of fertiliser by leveraging investments... read
Toward sustainable ammonia production

Xiaofeng Feng

Ammonia is a critical ingredient in agricultural fertilisers. With a growing world population, escalating demand for food and energy and the looming perils of fossil fuel induced climate change, there is an urgent need to make ammonia synthesis more sustainable by using renewable energy sources... read
Food Security
Agricultural trade liberalisation undermined food security

Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Anis Chowdhury

A 'one size fits all' approach to agricultural development with no regard for different circumstances, would be grossly unfair. Worse, it would also worsen the food insecurity, poverty and underdevelopment experienced by most African and other developing countries... read
Research & Development
Cattle used as currency in southern Africa
Researchers recently visited northern Namibia, to test the cultural attitudes that influence how farmers manage their livestock herds during times of drought... read
Viticulture & Oenology
South Africa's top Muscadel wines awarded
"The ongoing drought of the past few years has resulted in high sugar content and rich raisin aromas in the grapes - this led to beautiful, full wines with exceptional muscat flavours." read
Christian farmers and Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria square off in escalating violence over dwindling farmland. "This i...
Small-scale farmers produce 70% of the world's food, but remain amongst the poorest & most food insecure. WFP suppo...
RT @agrifoodaid: Their #Coffee is World-Class, but #DRC #Farmers Say Growing It Doesn't Pay. #Agriculture #foodsecu...
Want to learn about urban & peri-urban forestry? Check out our #SFMToolbox module
These super crops could help tackle global #hunger
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