27 Mar 2012

IT & Telecommunications


The price of piracy

This week, on the music front, Stephen Hollis sets out the costs to the music industry and individual artists who produce the music we all enjoy as he discusses the rise of the pirates of the digital age, and we also look at a different type of piracy. This is a far more deadly one in terms of being life-threatening (and even more costly in monetary terms), and it is also receiving attention, this time on the high seas, with anti-piracy efforts being boosted by a joint navy exercise involving the German and South African navies.

For all of you who find bank fees... how can we say this tactfully... onerous... you may be interested in the tiff between two of SA's major banks as FNB bites back at Standard Bank on the subject of bank charges.

And to end off, Martin Sprott and Dr Philip Bode say that South African companies had better get with the action and join the social media conversation. As the writers say, in one way or another, social media has always been with us - but now your customers are not just chatting about you and your products over the fence, but on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. That means comments (good and bad) are reaching a far wider audience - so you should capture the "energy" and turn it to your advantage. As Sprott and Bode say... put social media at the core of your customer- engagement strategy.

Rod Baker, general manager: content

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Gijima invites students to submit innovative app ideas
IT services company Gijima and the University of Western Cape are scheduling a "Code Jam", which will take place between March and May 2012. Students are invited to submit innovative app ideas to the portal that will be expanded and rated by the Code Jam community. Read more >>

Samsung appoints new head of mobile communications
Craige Fleischer has been appointed head of mobile communications for Samsung Electronics South Africa. This appointment, which is effective as of 1 April 2012, will see Fleischer drive stronger market alignment and penetration for Samsung's Mobile Communications business division into both the retail and business sector, through his developed business portfolio and experience. Read more >>

SA companies must join the social media conversation
[Martin Sprott and Dr Philip Bode] In one way or another, social media has always been with us. It is word of mouth-a phone call to a friend or family member, or an exchange with a neighbour over the backyard fence. As technology advanced and social media gained popularity, the conversations simply moved online. It is a means to connect and interact with customers much more dynamically and, in doing so, to harness their energy. Read more >>


Epson launches three printers for in-house proofing
Epson has teamed up with leading RIP provider EFI, to offer a complete package for all in-house designers, agencies and advertising departments to support their proofing needs. The new Epson Design Editions range includes three key products - the WT7900, the SP 4900 and the SP 3880 - allowing Epson to deliver a complete one-stop-shop for all in-house proofing needs. Read more >>

DA takes Telkom to task over cable theft
Communications Minister Dina Pule says the outsourcing of security has "definitely" reduced copper cable theft from Telkom. SA loses about R20m to copper cable theft every month, spurred by Asian demand for the metal. Read more >>


Teraco, NAPAfrica introduce free peering points
Teraco Data Environments, South Africa provider of vendor neutral data centres, has announced that NAPAfrica, an open and public peering facility with a national presence for network operators and internet service providers (ISPs) is now live and free, running from its Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban data centres. Read more >>


MWeb signs agreement with Level 3 Communications
MWEB has concluded a strategic long-term agreement with Level 3 Communications, an international provider of fibre-based communications services, to exchange traffic to Level 3's global IP network and content distribution network (CDN), bringing services to South Africa and the Southern African region. Read more >>

SA gov won't probe MTN corruption claims in Iran
South Africa will not probe allegations that mobile operator MTN paid bribes to win a licence in Iran, in exchange for Pretoria backing Tehran's nuclear programme, the foreign minister said on Monday. Read more >>


Small businesses, the target of cyber criminals
Internet security is one of those things that small businesses never think about, until they become the victim. "Small businesses are prime targets for cyber criminals," says Bruce Goodwill, sales director at AVG Technologies. Read more >>

European smartphone users accessing news up 74%
LONDON, UK: comScore, Inc, a leader in measuring the digital world, has released an overview of mobile news access across the five leading European markets (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) using the comScore MobiLens service. Read more >>

WAN-IFRA Printing Summit: Good news for print
BERLIN, GERMANY: The third annual WAN-IFRA Printing Summit opened in Berlin on yesterday with an inspiring message to publishers: despite conventional wisdom to the contrary, the latest technologies, trends and business strategies are helping many newspapers and printers thrive during challenging times. Germany's Die Zeit is a case in point. The weekly's circulation, reach and advertising income have been steadily increasing in recent years. Read more >>

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