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Property & Real Estate

Weekly top stories
Estate agent sign boards and costs in spotlight
The City of Cape Town recently met with heads of various stakeholders in the property industry regarding the use of advertising signboards... read more>>

Beginners' guide to content marketing for real estate

Charles Mburugu

The web has turned the whole real estate industry upside down. It has made it easier for customers to find just about anything about a solo agent or a brokerage. read more>>
Role of due diligence clause in commercial property sales

Jason Gregoriades

In commercial property sale transactions the buyer can request that a due diligence clause be included in the agreement of sale, where, should the seller accept to include this clause, both parties will then negotiate its terms and conditions before the sale proceeds further... read more>>
Market & Investments
Cape Town property buyers prefer cash
It is no secret that the South African stock market is widely considered overheated, which means the level of risk in the stock market is increasing... read more>>
Property investors realise Africa's growth potential
Increasingly, both foreign and local investors are seeing the growth potential of Africa, spurred by rising consumer spending of Africa's developing middle class... read more>>
Property Management
Advantages of appointing a management agent for sectional title schemes
There are many benefits to appointing a managing agent instead of the trustees of sectional title schemes doing all the work themselves... read more>>
GMSA Foundation wins prestigious Govan Mbeki Award
The Fairview Link housing project initiated by the General Motors South Africa (GMSA) Foundation recently scooped the coveted Govan Mbeki Award when it was named best Social Housing Project in South Africa... read more>>
LinkedIn is the new business card

Leigh Andrews

The problem with networking in real life is that you can't just click and connect, as business cards get bulky while you work your way through the room. That's why it's better to incorporate online networking into your offline meets... read more>>
Jobs offered

Casey Stengel
"Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story."

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Task team meets leaders after Langa housing protests http://t.co/SIjUluOlJI - Tue Sep 01
Shedding fresh light on China's investment choices in Africa - Times LIVE http://t.co/k63gRXsp6b - Tue Sep 01
RT @WesternCapeGov: New @CapeTown museum to be housed in historic Standard Bank building: http://t.co/ZvB5iCdWLC #HeritageMonth2015 http://... - Mon Aug 31
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