6 Jan 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Weekly top stories

Factory for inverter technology opened in Cape Town
SMA Solar Technology recently opened a manufacturing facility for its innovative inverter technology in Cape Town... read more>>

2014 DEA YES participants receive certificates
Participants of the Youth Environmental Services (YES) Programme received their certificates at a graduation ceremony held at The Range in Tokai, Cape Town, on 18 December... read more>>
Climate change
Climate change: a clear and present danger

Nan Smith

The impact climate change will have on the planet cannot be precisely described, but according to a NASA report the damage will be significant, expensive and will increase over time... read more>>
Gemfields supports anti-poaching initiative
Gemfields has made a donation to the Game Reserves United (GRU) rhino anti-poaching initiative whereby the funds will be used to cover a significant portion of the flying costs for GRU's aerial surveillance project... read more>>
Ecotourism & Wildlife Trafficking
Critical link between resource plunder, illegal wildlife trade

Ibrahim Thiaw

Illegal trade in wildlife is no longer an abstract issue. Organised transnational as well as trans-regional environmental crimes are rapidly rising threats to the environment, to revenues from natural resources, to state security and to global sustainable development... read more>>
Suspected poachers arrested in KNP
The South African National Parks announced the arrests and fatalities of suspected poachers in the Kruger National Park (KNP) in the past week... read more>>
Decrease in petrol price a "big relief", says minister
Energy Minister Tina Joematt-Petterssen has welcomed the huge decrease in the fuel prices, saying they will be a big relief to motorists and users of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and paraffin, especially in low-income households... read more>>
Let's join the renewable energy bandwagon


With the latest spate of load shedding on everyone's lips, I once again realised it's a crying shame that we don't harness sunny and windy South Africa's potential to be a leader in this field... read more>>
Energyworx installs SolarWorld system at Stellenpak
Stellenpak Fruit Packers in Paarl in the Western Cape has invested R6.6m in a SolarWorld solar power system... read more>>
Bo-Radyn invests in solar power system
Energyworx, an integrator of roof-mounted solar electricity, has installed a SolarWorld solar power system at Bo-Radyn Boerdery near Villiersdorp in the Western Cape. read more>>
Environmental impacts
E.coli alert raises big stink at Clifton

Nashira Davids and Bongani Mthethwa

It is home to some of the country's wealthiest and a magnet for tourists, but there is a stink about the water at Clifton 4th in Cape Town... read more>>
South Africans urged to use water legally, sparingly
The Department of Water and Sanitation has urged South Africans to respect the laws regulating water and use water sparingly, even during this festive holiday season... read more>>
High Court grants order against government
On 22 October 2014 in the High Court of South Africa in Durban granted an order against the government, the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs and six others... read more>>
WWF-SA releases report on marine protected areas
WWF South Africa's latest marine assessment has indicated that the country's 24 marine protected areas (MPAs) are critical for the health of future fish stock... read more>>
Kudos to FCB for flying the SA flag abroad

Leigh Andrews

FCB's often included in lists of top local agencies. Thanks to a report by CNN, one of its largest local initiatives is now being noticed overseas... read more>>
UN awards Unilever for sustainable and water neutral investment
The Investment Promotion Award has been presented by the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) on behalf of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to Unilever... read more>>
Govt unveils marine protection campaign
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries kicks off its annual festive season marine protection awareness campaign this month in Paternoster on the west coast... read more>>
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McDonald's Japan in new food scare after vinyl found in chicken nuggets http://t.co/zKQnIMQiJZ - Tue Jan 06
You've heard climate change could impact your wallet - now economists have the numbers to prove it http://t.co/jEk1hljqEy - Tue Jan 06
Scotland could be fossil fuel-free by 2030, says report http://t.co/VaFNdfku9t - Mon Jan 05
RT @wwf_uk: NEWS: Sir David Attenborough calls on leaders to step-up their actions to curb #ClimateChange http://t.co/doLk35ZAgf - Mon Jan 05
Renewable energy is a reliable way to keep the lights on in the 21st century, day or night. http://t.co/ywq0fU1ita - Mon Jan 05
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