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Weekly top stories
The 'green-tech' future is a flawed vision of sustainability
[Samuel Alexander] What does your vision of a sustainable future look like? read more>>

First MESA Forum to be held in Kenya
The first Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa (MESA) Forum will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 31 August to 4 September 2015 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel... read more>>
UCT study: Climate change and overfishing
Marine ecosystems, including the southern Benguela ranging from approximately the Orange River in the west around the coast of South Africa to East London, are being put under massive pressure... read more>>

Climate Change
African journalists invited to share their stories on climate change
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched a global storytelling contest, Voices2Paris, to contribute to raising public awareness on the negative impacts of climate change... read more>>
Crop farmers challenged by drought and climate change

Zhann Meyer

With just months to go until the upcoming maize planting season, climate change and the memory of one of the worst droughts in decades during 2015... read more>>
WWF-SA concerned about government's INDC to the UNFCCC
WWF South Africa has expressed its concern about the vague and defensive position taken by the South African government in its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the 21st United Nations Climate Change Negotiations Conference (UNCCNC)... read more>>
Pollution & Waste Management
SAVA survey focused on phasing out of heavy metals
The Product Stewardship Programme (PSP) survey, conducted by the Southern African Vinyls Association (SAVA), focused on the levels of compliance of member companies with regards to the phasing out of heavy metals during the production process, as well as the recycling of PVC products... read more>>
Renewables & Energy Efficiency
Conference to re-energise Africa
The upcoming International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) is expected to re-energise Africa by finding solutions to accelerate the global scale-up of renewable energy... read more>>
DTI director: improving policy environment will benefit SA
SA should aspire to having an enabling policy environment to attract foreign direct investments, green economy director at the Department of Trade and Industry... read more>>
Farmers concerned over excessive water wastage
Farmers in the Free State are gravely concerned about the effect of the wastage of water by authorities on agricultural activities, food production and in the end food security... read more>>
Sustainable Development
IHG partners the Water Footprint Network
InterContinental Hotels Group has announced the appointment of global water-use experts, the Water Footprint Network, to develop a worldwide water stewardship programme for IHG... read more>>
GIL 2015: Africa the new investment frontier for Japan
Frost & Sullivan's senior partner, Dorman Followwill, highlighted in his opening presentation at the Growth Innovation Leadership 2015 Africa congress... read more>>
Index Awards announces five winners

Katie de Klee

At the award ceremony, held in Copenhagen on 27 August 2015, the five winners of the 2015 biennial Index Awards were announced. The Awards celebrate designs that address serious modern challenges... read more>>
More International
LinkedIn is the new business card

Leigh Andrews

The problem with networking in real life is that you can't just click and connect, as business cards get bulky while you work your way through the room. That's why it's better to incorporate online networking into your offline meets... read more>>
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
4th South African CCS Conference
SANEDI - 20 Oct 2015 to 21 Oct 2015, Johannesburg

Casey Stengel
"Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story."

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"Adapting to a Changing Climate" - award-winning video now to download in 9 languages http://t.co/NnFl3g52iv #COP21 http://t.co/sjSzJr2mlw - Tue Sep 01
?Ice cores show climate lag between hemispheres say researchers http://t.co/xEQvKmY3pF? http://t.co/fmBRrCf532 - Tue Sep 01
Consumers Are Willing to Pay 30% More for Fair Trade Products http://t.co/QlwpaYHp9z - Tue Sep 01
Up to 90% of seabirds have plastic in their guts, study finds http://t.co/466PAy9zI2 - Tue Sep 01
Prison teaches beekeeping, environmentalism to inmates and it's all the buzz. http://t.co/vD2JB8rKso - Tue Sep 01
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