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Weekly top stories

Parliament was 'under threat'
Government ministers on Thursday claimed there was a major security threat against the country's parliament... read more>>

SA must develop mechanisms to address cybercrime

Tayyibah Suliman and Mulalo Tshikovhele

A recent report has found that 73% of South Africans in 2013 were victims of cybercrime...


Formal disciplinary enquiry for suspended SAA CEO

A formal disciplinary inquiry has been convened for suspended South African Airways (SAA) CEO Monwabisi Kalawe, said the national carrier's board this morning...


Can a funny meme get to a powerful president?

Can a campaign of laughter born out of humiliation change the mind of a 'Teflon president'? All it might take is one click...


SANDF marks Armed Forces Day
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) on Saturday celebrated its annual Armed Forces Day in Potchefstroom in the North West... read more>>
Premier announces interventions to unlock Gauteng's economy; media 'exclusion' from speech slammed
The Gauteng government has announced three interventions to change the space and structure of the economy of the province in order to address unemployment, poverty and inequality. read more>>
Employment Services Bill soon to be published

Katlego Letlonkane and Gavin Stansfield

The much anticipated Employment Services regulations are soon to be published for public comment. According to the Labour Minister Mildred Olifant, the regulations will be published as soon as they have been ratified... read more>>
Agbiz workshop focuses on new transport legislation
The new regulations pertaining to the National Road Traffic Act, which came into effect on 31 October 2014 and on 31 January 2015 (Regulations 330A to 330D), are not good news for both consignors and consignees... read more>>
Staff in move to widen protests

Deneesha Pillay

Lecturers at the Eastcape Midlands College (EMC) have threatened a province-wide shutdown of its three campuses, vowing not to return to classes until their salaries are increased and temporary staff are made permanent... read more>>
Agbiz to engage with gov't to alleviate consequences of proposed measures
In his State of the Nation Address (SONA) President Zuma made considerable reference to land reform issues, including the introduction of a 12,000 hectares (ha) land ceiling, foreigners to be deprived of owning land in South Africa, the introduction of the Office of the Valuer-General to signal the end of the so-called "willing buyer, willing seller" principle, and the introduction of the 50/50 farmworker equity and co-management scheme on a pilot basis. read more>>
The greater priority in efficiency, the greater food security
With the drop in fuel prices, constructive labour relations in the agriculture sector and a favourable climate resulting in good yields to date, farmers need to prioritise improving efficiencies to give South Africa greater food security... read more>>
Budget 2015 - Sanlam Investments expects an increase in taxes

Arthur Kamp

Tax changes, guided by the recommendations of the Davis Tax Committee, are likely to take centre stage when Minister Nene reads the National Budget on 25 February 2015... read more>>
Budget expected to address future of social security system

David Gluckman

For the 2015 National Budget speech, we will focus our attention on the expected future direction of social security and retirement fund reform... read more>>
Treasury's credibility to ensure fiscal sustainability at stake

Sanisha Packirisamy

Last year's Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) set the bar for fiscal prudency against a challenging economic backdrop. In light of a deterioration in global growth and subdued commodity prices, National Treasury's credibility to ensure medium-term fiscal sustainability remains at stake... read more>>
Old Mutual Corporate expects clarity on retirement savings
Michelle du Toit, principal consultant at Old Mutual Corporate, expects the 2015 National Budget speech to bring further clarity on government's commitment to positive retirement outcomes for retirement savings, as well as society at large... read more>>
2015 SADC Media Awards and Water Awards call for entries
The South African media are invited to submit their entries for the 2015 SADC Media Awards Competition... read more>>
WWF report frames the economic issues of shale gas
WWF South Africa has released a report in response to claims that shale gas will be a cheap source of energy for the country... read more>>
Agri minister calls on farmers to engage with government

Denene Erasmus

During a recent interview with Farmer's Weekly, agriculture minister Senzeni Zokwana called on farmers to approach their unions and engage with government about the proposed 12,000 ha land ceiling... read more>>
Brands, cats and the ANC all have nine lives

Chris Moerdyk

I was asked to comment by a few business newspapers last week about the impact on the Ocean Basket restaurant brand following a complaint that it sold some dishes using freshwater fish... read more>>
Law Enforcement
Junior officials blamed for cellphone jamming
Ministers in the Cabinet's security cluster have blamed junior officials for last week's jamming of cellphone signals in the National Assembly, saying the executive was not involved at an operational level as this had been left to officials... read more>>
Jamming not a political decision, says Mahlobo

Wyndham Hartley and Paul Vecchiatto

State Security Minister David Mahlobo says it was not an executive or political decision to use a cellular network jamming device that disrupted the start of SONA last week... read more>>
MEC condemns burning of schools
Limpopo Education Acting MEC Jerry Ndou has condemned the burning of schools in Malamulele and called on law enforcement agencies to deal with the culprits... read more>>
Probe into fraud at student aid scheme

Wyndham Hartley

Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande yesterday acknowledged that allegations of fraud and corruption in the National Student Financial Aid Scheme could be contributing to the scheme's inability to fund all students who qualify... read more>>
Taxation & Regulation
Taxation as method of revenue generation: Budget 2015

Ferdie Schneider

In his Medium Term Budget speech, Finance Minister Nene emphasised that government's revenue shortfall is of paramount importance... read more>>
Uber's back in Spain... with home food deliveries
BARCELONA, SPAIN: US smartphone app firm Uber reappeared in Spain on Thursday as a home food delivery network after a court banned it from operating its taxi service following complaints from professional drivers... read more>>
Cyber attacks on Israel traced to Gaza: researchers
WASHINGTON, US: A series of cyber attacks against Israel since mid-2013 appears to be coming from "Arab parties located in the Gaza Strip" and elsewhere, US security researchers say... read more>>
Obama ranks N Korea cyber capabilities as not so good
WASHINGTON, US: Iran is "good," China and Russia are "very good," but North Korea's cyber attack capabilities are actually not that great, according to an impromptu ranking by US President Barack Obama... read more>>
France issues warrants for UBS managers in tax fraud case
PARIS, FRANCE: French judges on Tuesday issued arrest warrants for three former managers at Swiss bank UBS over allegations it helped customers hide money from the taxman in Switzerland... read more>>
More International
Media leak: Africans who have stashed their money in HSBC Switzerland
Eritrea is not exactly the Africa's or the world's richest country, yet the biggest single African client is in Eritrea... read more>>
More Africa
New events to diarise
Course in the investigation of financial crime
Continuing Education at the University of Pretoria - 23 Feb 2015 to 27 Feb 2015, Pretoria | 6 Jul 2015 to 10 Jul 2015, Pretoria

We, The People Walk
Constitution Hill - 26 Apr 2015, Braamfontein, Johannesburg

Upcoming events
Proudly South African Buy Local Summit and Expo - 3 Mar 2015, Johannesburg
South Africa's National Buy Local Campaign, is hosting the 4th Annual Proudly South African Buy Local Summit and Expo at SCC. Read more >>

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Magashule: From now no public servant shall conduct business with government.#SOPAFS ,http://t.co/ymBD2CqtIf http://t.co/Hbi1Ocyhem - Tue Feb 24
Opinion | Budget speech must address unemployment inconsistencies http://t.co/pEsn5vjip8 - Tue Feb 24
Zuma's plan aimed at making ANC members rich - Zille http://t.co/cktDjqXrzB - Tue Feb 24
Gauteng to fire up old power stations to supplement #Eskom http://t.co/ULKuioJOC4 - Tue Feb 24
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