Construction & Engineering News South Africa

Construction sector braced for more pain
Construction sector braced for more pain

  11 Jul 2014

The mining sector in South Africa shed 13,000 jobs in the first quarter while the trade sector, including retail, lost 34,000 jobs. Image:
Just 9,000 jobs created in first quarter

  26 Jun 2014

Invicta's Chief Executive Arnold Goldstone says the company is actively seeking offshore deals and hopes to derive 50% of its revenue offshore. Image: Invicta
Invicta seeks 50% of income offshore

  19 Jun 2014

Some Sandton offices are already standing empty and yet new buildings keep being built. Image:
Sandton offices standing empty

  13 Jun 2014

RMB's Ettienne le Roux suggests that SA's manufacturing sector may already be in a recession. Image:
Manufacturing confidence remains subdued

  11 Jun 2014

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Construction sector braced for more pain
Construction sector braced for more pain

 11 Jul 2014

Invicta's Chief Executive Arnold Goldstone says the company is actively seeking offshore deals and hopes to derive 50% of its revenue offshore. Image: Invicta
Invicta seeks 50% of income offshore

 19 Jun 2014

Some Sandton offices are already standing empty and yet new buildings keep being built. Image:
Sandton offices standing empty

 13 Jun 2014

RMB's Ettienne le Roux suggests that SA's manufacturing sector may already be in a recession. Image:
Manufacturing confidence remains subdued

 11 Jun 2014

City of Johannesburg Mayor Parks Tau has announced major infrastructure upgrades for the city that include dedicated cycling lanes and free Wi-Fi Internet connections. Image:
Jo'burg's roads set for major upgrades

 2 Jun 2014

Financial Manager, Geoffrey Makhubo has tabled a R47.1bn budget for the City of Johannesburg that will see property rates, electricity costs and water charges rise at rates higher than inflation. Image:
Jo'burg council chambers to get R103m facelift

 30 May 2014

Portia Tau-Sekati of the Property Sector Charter Council says the contribution made by the property sector in all its forms to the SA economy is huge and will help define transformation plans. Image:
Property contributes R191.4bn to SA economy

 29 May 2014

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