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Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry

BizTop stories

How the fuel hike will put more pressure on SA agriculture

Paul Makube

It is estimated that a R1/litre increase in fuel costs equates to a R1bn increase in input costs per year to the agriculture sector. These costs manifest differently across the various industries from planting, harvesting, distribution and packaging... read
How farmers' associations are ploughing seeds of change for small-scale farmers
The Underberg Farmers Association, to integrate and work more closely with their neighbouring small-scale farmers, actively implements social and community-building strategies to assist them with any aspect of farming... read
Distell relists on the JSE
Distell Group Holdings celebrated its relisting on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) following the collapse of its ownership structure, a move widely welcomed by investors... read
Wesgro, Matzikama District strengthens Western Cape aquaculture industry with MoU
"Abalone has become a key export market for the Matzikama District and our department will remain committed to trying to further boost investment into this potentially lucrative market." read
Commercial Fishing
Efforts to stop IUU fishing gains momentum
A growing number of countries are signing up to a global agreement that helps stop illegal fishing... read
Commodities & Fairtrade
EAC tea consumption to increase in the next decade

Maryanne Gicobi

East African countries could lead the world in growth in consumption of tea during the next decade, even as they occupy top positions in exports of the commodity... read
Fertilisers & GMOs
Keeping tabs on genetically modified crops

Dr Alec Basson

"Improving the nutritional quality of sorghum and pearl millet is important, but it is equally vital to determine whether altering the composition of these cereals may lead to unforeseen and/or undesirable consequences that may not be immediately obvious..." read
Zimbabwe youths champion organic fertiliser in new social venture

Pius Sawa

Agrimatters is betting that Greenfert, an organic fertiliser made from animal and plant residues, could hold the key to improving crop yields and reducing the incidence of nitrate poisoning among the children of smallholder farmers... read
Food Security
39 countries hit by severe food insecurity
Underscoring how persistent conflicts and adverse climate shocks are taking a toll on food security, no country exited the list... read
FAO's how-to guide to transforming food and agriculture
FAO's set of 20 interconnected actions offers a practical guide for countries on how to strengthen food security, generate decent employment, spur rural development and economic growth, conserve natural resources and respond to climate change... read
Viticulture & Oenology
Constantia Valley celebrates 333 years

Ilse van den Berg

Did you know that the Constantia Valley is celebrating 333 years of winemaking in the region this year? I'd say it's a pretty good reason to celebrate when so many businesses close their doors after two years... read
Jobs offered
The #GoodGrowthPlan is 6 commitments to make ?? #agriculture more sustainable: ?? make crops more efficient ?? rescue...
In developed countries, over 98% of harvests are processed into value added products but in Africa that number fall...
"The retail price of food rarely accounts for the cost of pollution, water scarcity, soil degradation, GHG emission...
Over the past 10 to 15 years, scientists have realised that the top 5mm or so of the soil profile have a profound e...
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