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Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry

BizTop stories

Land reform and hunger in South Africa: Why the two go hand in hand

Thomas Wolfgang Thurner

Breaking up the land into small-holdings with no capital will catapult the country back in time. South Africans should first be discussing how it can maximise food production... read
Agri Tech
New app uLima will optimise the farming potential of Africa
The uLima mobile platform provides farmers across Africa with access to a toolset, database and the latest market information with information on crops, seed, soil, livestock, agri-chemicals, weather updates and market prices, all at their fingertips... read
Zambia's eMsika helping farmers buy agricultural inputs

Tom Jackson

Zambian startup eMsika is helping farmers find, buy and receive agricultural inputs in a fast, trustworthy and convenient way, as well as access markets for their produce... read
Helping smallholders participate in the rise of agribusiness in Africa
Agribusiness in Africa is poised to play a major role in socio, economic development, but without policies and partnerships that enable smallholder farmers to participate in and benefit from the growth, that opportunity will turn into risk... read
Commercial Fishing
Small Harbours Programme a R400m boost to WC's small-scale fishing and tourism
"The project is tipped to change the lives of many fishing communities and tourism operators relying on 13 of the smaller proclaimed harbours in the Western Cape." read
Commodities & Fairtrade
What is driving the rise in global tea consumption and production?
Tea consumption has grown particularly rapidly in China, India and other emerging economies, driven by a combination of higher incomes and efforts to diversify production to include speciality items such as herbal teas, fruit fusions and flavoured gourmet teas... read
Food Security
Mainstreaming biodiversity crucial for securing global food security
Together with healthy agricultural ecosystems, biodiversity provides the ecological foundations for food production, which play a critical role in humankind... read
Billion-rand opportunities available in SA's green economy - GreenCape
GreenCape released its free annual market intelligence reports this week... read
Viticulture & Oenology
What's in store for the 2018 Chenin Blanc Top 10
The Chenin Blanc Association has announced that entries for the 2018 Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top 10 Challenge are now officially open. South African winemakers may submit any style as long as... read
Innovative e-commerce approaches can help small businesses in Africa

Mercy Mpinganjira

Africa's growing digital economy is fast changing how business is done on the continent. Trading of goods and services online, for example, is estimated to be worth $24bn... read
Jobs offered
RT @AGRAAlliance: Small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises can drive Africa's economic growth -
NEW REPORT: "The market prices of food don't tell the truth - often we pay a second price for environmental degrada...
Diversity is the overarching theme - you need a range of different options to find success in the future of agricul...
RT @FAOKnowledge: Those who produce our food are the hardest hit by #ClimateChange.
Sustainable wood means better livelihoods, increased standing-forest value & less deforestation #woodisgood #SDG1...
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