27 Oct 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Property & Real Estate

Weekly top stories
Implications of proposed Sectional Title Schemes Management Act
The drafted Sectional Title Schemes Management Act aims to replace certain sections of the existing Sectional Titles Act... read

IEASA and NAR host property update sessions
A series of property update sessions, hosted by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and Institute of Estate Agents of South Africa (IEASA), were recently held in Khayelitsha and Hermanus in the Western Cape... read
Industry experts need to verify building plans
Building plans are a common part of commercial property sales and often included in due diligence clauses... read
Industrial Property
The ins and outs of home loan affordability assessments
Purchasing your first house is a big step and most people will have to apply for a substantial loan from a financial institution... read
Market & Investments
Property investors must take external factors into account
Purchasing a property can not only affect the buyer's current financial standing, but their long-term financial prospects as well... read
SARB Leading Business Cycle Indicator continues to decline
The SA Reserve Bank (SARB) Leading Business Cycle Indicator for August not only continued on its path of year-on-year decline, but the pace of decline also picked up speed... read
Private investors now able to invest in commercial properties
Investing in commercial property has traditionally been seen as the preserve of institutional investors and perhaps exceptionally wealthy individuals... read
Steps towards building wealth through real estate are no secret
Adhering to the prime principles of property purchasing, real estate investment can provide a cornerstone on which an investor can build their wealth... read
Property Management
Home maintenance and upgrades show further improvement
The third quarter of 2015 saw further improvement in agent perceptions of home maintenance and upgrades... read
Now is the time to deploy smart building technologies

Neil Cameron

The grid - the infrastructure that delivers electricity from our local utility and municipalities to buildings - is over-taxed... read
Managing a property investment portfolio
The chairman of the Rawson Property Group, Bill Rawson, believes a property investment cannot be regarded as successful unless it gives a return at least equal to that of a reputable money fund - with the capital appreciation then being a bonus... read
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RT @BrightRockZA: "Stitch in time, saves nine." says Simon Bray, CEO of @propertysa with regards to house maintenance. #LoveChange https://... - Tue Oct 27
RT @RomillyMadew: @GBCSA_CEO @GBCSA talking about how GBCs can measure #impact & what our #elevatorpitch should be @WorldGBC retreat https:... - Tue Oct 27
SA roads among the world's deadliest https://t.co/tKV2UPpEau - Tue Oct 27
RT @alanwinde: At a landform summit in Moreesburg. We will spend R 250 million on land reform this year. Markets are key. https://t.co/vDrq... - Tue Oct 27
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