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Weekly top stories
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[Rhian Berning] There are rapid and radical changes happening both socially and with the natural systems of this planet we call home... read more>>

Letting the sunshine in

Nicci Botha

Balancing the socio-economic factors driving people to flood into urban areas and the inhabitants' constitutional right to electricity is a conundrum facing the country's already embattled infrastructure...


Robben Island to switch to solar power

Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom says Robben Island, one of the world's top tourist attraction spots, will soon generate its power from solar panels...


Emirates Airlines bans transport of hunting trophies

Emirates Airlines have banned the transportation of hunting trophies on all its services effective Friday, 15 May 2015...


CSI & Sustainable Development
Help your business go green

Sophie Baker

Going green is not only a great way to contribute to maintaining (or even saving) our environment, but it can set you apart from the competition and help you stand out... read more>>
Ecotourism & Biodiversity
Trends in ecotourism: how businesses can engage in sustainable travel

Eran Feinstein

Ecotourism is defined by responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people... read more>>
Environmental Impacts
Why Africans must join forces to protect scarce water resources

Cameron Harrington

African water resources are under increasing stress and the continent is likely to face significant water shortages by 2030. Population growth combined with climate change and continued economic development will put further stresses on water resources and infrastructure. read more>>
Pollution & Waste Management
Wellington farmers outraged at garbage plan

Bobby Jordan

A plan to build a 300t a day waste-to-energy incinerator in a quiet Cape winelands town has outraged farmers... read more>>
Waste has economic value - Molewa
Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, says government is waging a war on waste and prioritising contributing to the development and growth of the recycling economy... read more>>
E-waste poses threat to human health and environment
According to a recent report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), up to 90% of the world's electronic waste, worth nearly $19bn, is illegally traded or dumped each year... read more>>
Tour highlights waste reduction programmes in Cape Town
The Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa's (IWMSA) Waste Minimisation and Recycling Interest Group (WMRIG) recently held an informative and interactive 'Waste = Resource Tour'... read more>>
Renewables & Energy Efficiency
First Solar modules produce more energy than silicon PV panels
First Solar's advanced modules can offer over 4% more energy than conventional silicon PV panels... read more>>
Ever wondered what the world will look like in 2040?
So have a panel of six professors at the University of Johannesburg, who discussed their environmental, economic and social projections... read more>>
Biomass renewable energy can ensure a sustainable future
South Africa's Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) has made great strides and been lauded a success by renewable energy (RE) industry players the world over... read more>>
Zazoo launches Utility Vending System for prepaid electricity, water and gas meters

Issued by Spintelligent

Zazoo, previously referred to as Net1 Mobile Solutions, a financial services provider in the mobile space, has launched its Utility Vending System at African Utility Week (AUW) held in Cape Town... read more>>
The domestic home: the cost of 'greening'
A question that is often asked by those building or renovating a home is whether it is worth 'greening' their property and what the cost implications would be should they decide to do so... read more>>
Hybrid cars an investment for environmentally conscious buyers

Jeff Osborne

Environmentalists have lamented the effects of gasoline-powered vehicles on our ozone layer and recommend that we reduce our emissions... read more>>
African Utility Week Industry Awards winners announced
The African energy sector honoured its top power professionals and projects at the glittering African Utility Week Industry Awards gala ceremony on Wednesday, 13 May... read more>>
[African Utility Week] Delivering energy solutions for African economies

Nicci Botha

The golden thread stitching together the keynote presentations on the second day of African Utility Week was undoubtedly the need to tap into Africa's vastly underutilised renewable energy resources to support the potential for economic growth and social upliftment... read more>>
[African Utility Week] Africa is open for business...

Nicci Botha

Africa has the potential of becoming the energy powerhouse of the future and thereby going a long way to alleviating the poverty on the continent... read more>>
Trina Solar gets contract for extension at Wymeswold Solar Farm
Trina Solar has been selected by solar energy specialist Foresight Group LLP to supply a 2.2MW extension to Wymeswold Solar Farm, a large-scale photovoltaic (PV) installation at a former RAF airfield in Leicestershire in the United Kingdom. .. read more>>
FactCheck: Are 95% of models linking human CO2 emissions and global warming in error?

Alex Sen Gupta

"It's a well-kept secret, but 95% of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO2 emissions and catastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error. It's not surprising." - Maurice Newman, AC, chair of the Prime Minister's Business Advisory Council read more>>
More International
Ivory and rhino horn seized in Mozambique
In a raid on a private home in Matola, Mozambique more than one ton of ivory and 65 rhino horns were recently seized... read more>>
More Africa
Focus increasingly falls on balanced leaders

Michelle Moss

Leadership styles change. What never changes is the need for corporate leaders to motivate teams, make profits and deliver efficiency improvements... read more>>
Time management 101

Andrew Macfarlane

"If your employees are constantly missing deadlines, lack focus and regularly overlook important details, these are sure signs that their time management skills aren't up to scratch..." read more>>
New events to diarise
Measuring Shared Value Creation - 25 Jun 2015 to 26 Jun 2015, Johannesburg | 8 Jul 2015 to 9 Jul 2015, Cape Town
Everyday we take decisions at corporate levels that create or destroy value. Understand how to prove you are making a positive impact and monetise the change you create for sound decisions. Read more >>

Upcoming events
Scatterlings Conference & Events - 20 May 2015 to 22 May 2015, Pretoria

J. K. Rowling
"If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."

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Climate change: Americans crowding into future heatwave zones, study says http://t.co/yBs5MA9nMa - Tue May 19
?Scripps researchers say sea ice loss likely to be reversible http://t.co/DsMZHOmLMO? http://t.co/m619bFEs7a - Tue May 19
Could these floating farms provide enough food for the entire planet? http://t.co/HsiIRzdI0h - Tue May 19
SHOCKING: the fossil fuel industry gets $10 million/minute in subsidies every day>> http://t.co/3ZwPljdgLh http://t.co/qskVSpPiTV - Tue May 19
Activists blockade Seattle port to protest Shell's Arctic drilling plans http://t.co/2WYNoGjjRt http://t.co/8nsU1CF01w - Tue May 19
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