20 Jan 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Weekly top stories

Zille to Survé: Is Independent a mouthpiece for the Zuma faction of the ANC?
NEWSWATCH: DA leader Helen Zille has some questions for Independent Media head Iqbal Survé, reports Times Live, and the DA won the Nkandla SMS fight, reports BD Live... read more>>

SA to deploy healthcare workers to help contain Ebola
South Africa has deployed its first batch of trained healthcare professionals to work in Sierra Leone, in an effort to help contain the spread of Ebola Disease Virus in the country and other parts of West Africa... read more>>
Budget 2015: Have your say
Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene has asked South Africans for their views on the upcoming Budget Speech and the general state of the economy... read more>>
Why Africa must adapt or die

Martyn Davies

Is Africa's development inevitable? The conventional assumption is that all countries and regions will develop - albeit at different speeds - and eventually graduate from "emerging economy" status into the ranks of the First World... read more>>
Eskom 'years from rebuilding power'

Bianca Capazorio

Eskom has lost more power capacity over the past year than it will be able to build over the next two years... read more>>
SA's long-term nuclear plan no solution to country's short-term energy needs
South Africa's national power grid will once again come under tremendous pressure this month. It needs remedies that can come on stream quickly. And that's not nuclear... read more>>
Eastern Cape to become hub of maritime economy

Mfundo Piti

With thousands of kilometres of coastline, South Africa is in a prime position to maximise on its 'blue gold', but no area so much as the Eastern Cape... read more>>
Zuma to lead delegation to World Economic Forum
President Jacob Zuma will lead a South African delegation of Cabinet Ministers and business leaders to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, from 20-24 January 2015... read more>>
SABC: Khumalo's resignation 'tip of the iceberg'
NEWSWATCH: Professor Bongani Khumalo resignation from the SABC board is just the 'tip of the iceberg', and the DA's Gavin Davis wants answers from Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi... read more>>
DA urges funding boost for students
The Democratic Alliance is planning to write to Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande urging him to request immediate emergency funding from the Treasury to aid the National Student Financial Aid Scheme... read more>>
Law Enforcement
Editors must edit without fear of being attacked

Anton Harber

I once asked a South African editor why he ran a cartoon that he agreed was offensive. He said he had felt obliged, as he did not want to censor a well-known and much-respected cartoonist... read more>>
An unwise display?
NEWSWATCH: Independent's senior group editors Karima Brown and Vukani Mde have been criticised for attending the ANC anniversary celebrations wearing party gear... read more>>
Pro-IS hackers hijack Facebook page linked to North Korea airline
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA: Hackers declaring support for Islamic State jihadists appeared on Wednesday to have derided the communist nation's leader Kim Jong-Un as a "crying pig"... read more>>
Cuba denies previously reported Wi-Fi rollout
HAVANA, CUBA: Cuba will not begin offering wireless service despite reports of a planned Wi-Fi rollout in its second-largest city, Santiago de Cuba, state-run telecommunications provider Etecsa said Tuesday... read more>>
China mocks hapless - and hopeless - 'iPhone armour' smuggler
BEIJING, CHINA: A man nabbed for attempting to smuggle 94 smartphones into China by strapping them to his body was mocked by amused netizens on Tuesday after pictures of his 'iPhone armour' went viral... read more>>
More International
Senegal bans Charlie Hebdo and Liberation daily
The Senegalese government banned the dissemination of Wednesday's editions of the satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo and the French daily Liberation... read more>>
More Africa
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Gordhan to study 'report' amid Malamulele protest http://t.co/RmvRiKc4Iy - Tue Jan 20
No discussions between the ANC and Malema: Kodwa-http://t.co/vJ9AksO6Jg http://t.co/zFo596yC5G - Tue Jan 20
RT @BDliveSA: CARTOON: President Jacob Zuma and the ANC's power struggle, by @brandanrey http://t.co/k0lmTHscJL - Tue Jan 20
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