Editor's column

Shame on you - 3 Nov 2008

By Bridget Farham

Shame on you - Mon, 03 Nov 2008Today's newsletter carries a story published by IRIN News - an organisation that concentrates its efforts on the developing world - about exploitation of children in the Gambia by tourists. Specifically - sex tourism.

Most of the clients are apparently Western men - out of their own countries and apparently forgetting that sex with children is illegal - wherever it is practised. The idea of travelling to a distant land simply to exploit locals for sex is bad enough. It was the reason for Thailand's initially rampant HIV epidemic until the government took control. But to specifically travel to a distant place to have sex with children is completely abhorrent.

The West is responsible for many of the world's ills. But it generally prefers to think of itself as being responsible for bringing civilisation and enlightenment to the poor benighted "natives". So, along with climate change and high food prices we have exploitation of the weak and vulnerable - with no thought for the effects that this may have on the future of a child who is already massively disadvantaged. Shame on you!

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