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The power of revolution at Music Exchange

If there was a common thread or theme between speakers at the first day of the fourth annual Music Exchange conference at Cape Town City Hall it was about self-belief; basically, inspiring pep talks from musical greats Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) and Tim Renner, to our local musicians.

The power of intention - Yasiin Bey

Kicking things off after a fairly delayed start was the talented actor and hip hop musician Yasiin Bey, aka Mos Def. Starting with his artistic journey to musician and actor in his birth city Brooklyn, he inspired and moved. His main point being that you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it.

Yasiin Bey
Yasiin Bey

He praised South African musicians and urged them to be more confident in their abilities saying that they have a unique voice and style.

"More than just the natural scenery, I've been encouraged by the artistry and, in my time here, the people that I've seen in this city and in this country. I see the same dynamic people: doubtful, fearful, feeling like what they have to offer is only beautiful to them and not to the rest of the world, like there's not quite a place in the world for them. And I find it curious that all this enthusiasm the rest of the world has for them, for Africa, and South Africa particularly, is not really held by Africans themselves. 'Cause I've travelled, I've been to some beautiful places, but no place is like Africa. The people coming out of this continent are unlike any other in the world. Be aware that you are in a special place at a very special and unique time in history and be encouraged.

Have the power of pure intention; the only sin is having a low aim. Aim high even if you miss. Don't be scared, don't be dismayed, don't stop."

The digital revolution - Tim Renner

The next speaker, Tim Renner MD of Motor Music, continued the theme of staying true to your roots. Don't try to imitate the Western style, embrace your culture, your story your uniqueness, he urged, as well as embrace all the new tools that are easily accessible to you in this day and age.

His talk centred on three happenings that are currently taking place in the music industry: the end of the record labels; the end of a dominating culture; and the end of mainstream media.

Tim Renner
Tim Renner

The digital revolution is the cause of these phenomena and never before has it been easier for the little guy from a slightly less established and known country to make an impact on the world market.

A need for a major record label is no longer necessary these days; recording, distributing and marketing can all be done by just the artist at little or no cost.

"My key message to you in SA is you simply have to be passionate about your music and the times have never been easier... Nowadays anyone can distribute your record, anyone can record their music whenever they want; everyone can communicate on their own.

"I don't believe that there is this big dominance of American culture anymore. Yes, some people are taller than others, but some people appear to be giants from a distance. The closer you come, the more you will see that they are pretty small."

As example of this Renner mentioned that the recent dominant Grammy winners included Lorde from New Zealand and Daft Punk from France.

The world is growing and changing since digital entered the market; musicians now have the freedom to be heard all over the world. The development of independent media means no longer do they have to vie for coverage through mainstream mediums. Online radio, YouTube, streaming sites and social media have created so many new channels for music to be seen, heard and distributed. "Suddenly you are mass media," said Renner.

In conclusion Renner reiterated Bey's sentiments that Africans have a unique culture and story that needs to be shared with the rest of the world.

"It's the end of the dominance of modern culture, it's your culture that counts, it's your own culture's message that counts - and your history... Take over - give the world your culture."

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