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Weekly top stories
Reporting Regulations require registration on NAEIS
In terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004, the National Atmospheric Emission Reporting Regulations were published in the Government Gazette of 2 April 2015... read more>>

Journalism grants available for climate reporting
The Earth Journalism Grants Fund is offering funding to empower and enable journalists from developing countries to cover the environment more effectively... read more>>
Climate Change
SAEON launches Agulhas System Climate Array project
The South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) has launched the Agulhas System Climate Array (ASCA) project to coincide with the closure of the first ASCA deployment cruise... read more>>
Winners of 2015 Climate Solver Awards announced
MellowCabs, Findmyway and Eco MC2 have been named winners of WWF South Africa's 2015 Climate Solver Awards in recognition of innovations that reduce carbon emissions or boost access to energy... read more>>
CSI & Sustainable Development
Redefine-Leaf Capital deal underpins commitment to sustainable business practice
Redefine Properties has acquired Leaf Capital, a deal which significantly boosts the company's Western Cape office portfolio and underpins its commitment to sustainable business practices... read more>>
WWF report warns that ocean wealth is sinking fast
According to a report released by WWF International, the value of the ocean's riches rivals the size of the world's leading economies, but its resources are rapidly eroding... read more>>
SA's experts on implementing conservation agriculture

Lloyd Phillips

Grain SA recently hosted a conservation agriculture promotion day for smallholder farmers growing crops on communal lands in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. A number of knowledgeable speakers shared their tips with the farmers and spoke about why they too should join the CA implementation movement - and how... read more>>
Radisson Blu launches Walk for Water events
Radisson Blu hotels around the world will hold Walk for Water events from 22-24 April to raise awareness for the millions of people across the globe that do not have access to safe drinking water... read more>>
Ecotourism & Biodiversity
Public invited to comment on management plan for lions
Members of the public are invited to submit, within 30 days of the publication of the notice in the Government Gazette, written representations on, or objections to, the draft Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) for lions... read more>>
Pollution & Waste Management
SAVA changed perceptions about green credentials of PVC
Speaking at the annual general meeting of the Southern African Vinyls Association (SAVA), CEO Delanie Bezuidenhout highlighted some of the strides the association made the past year... read more>>
Collect-a-Can instrumental in waste collector's success
Nineteen years ago Bisant Matsi, owner of Burgersfort Waste Management in Burgersfort, Mpumalanga, started his recycling operation with only seven employees. Two years later he started collecting cans and working closely with Collect-a-Can... read more>>
POLYCO prepares for challenges in recycling industry
The biggest impact POLYCO made on the South African recycling industry since its inception two years ago, has undoubtedly been investing R17m in the recycling value chain, which will unlock new volumes of 48,000 tons over the next three years, as well as creating 558 formal and 3,750 informal jobs... read more>>
Renewables & Energy Efficiency
Sappi selected as preferred bidder of Ngodwana biomass project

Mark Allix

Sappi has been selected as preferred bidder of the Ngodwana energy biomass project in the fourth window of the South African government's renewable energy independent power producer programme... read more>>
Hydro-electricity: all the power, half the cost

Glenneis Kriel

With South Africa's national power supply becoming increasingly unreliable, fruit farmer Kobus van der Westhuizen decided to install a hydro-electric plant on his Western Cape farm. This has greatly reduced his dependence on the grid... read more>>
Entries now open for 2015 APO Energy Media Awards
APO announced that entry is now open for the 2015 APO Energy Media Awards. APO will offer transport, accommodation and perdiem for the first-place winner to attend the Africa Energy Forum held in Dubai from 8-11 June 2015... read more>>
Six ways to balance work and family
In today's modern age it is difficult to live a life that balances your professional responsibilities with your family duties... read more>>
Jobs offered

Upcoming events
Renewables & Energy Forum South Africa Conference
REFSA Conference - 5 May 2015, Johannesburg

REFSA 2015
DLO Energy - 5 May 2015, Johannesburg

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Over 80% of future deforestation confined to just 11 places - Jakarta: Eleven places in the world - 10 of which ar... http://t.co/BCxefBrmsZ - Tue Apr 28
RT @businessinsider: Stunning time-lapse shows what LA skies would look like without pollution @BI_Video http://t.co/6zEPWqOCPY http://t.co... - Tue Apr 28
Sustainable #coffee is helping revitalize a Rwandan community: http://t.co/ZA3NFBarOn via @KZNoir @Guardian http://t.co/xwI2R8X22g - Tue Apr 28
Emma Thompson wrote an Oscar-worthy letter to the Arctic Council http://t.co/Cl02zJQ0qL http://t.co/vHwNAdWhot - Tue Apr 28
Native plants support good insects that birds need to feed their young: http://t.co/nsxCe8KPys #gardenmonth http://t.co/CqdXgHjxn2 - Tue Apr 28
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