3 Feb 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Weekly top stories

SA ready for trading of carbon offsets
Promethium Carbon recently demonstrated the market readiness for the trading of carbon offsets in South Africa on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)... read more>>

Climate change
Clean technology innovation needs support

Louise Scholtz

South Africa is committed to addressing climate change and reducing emissions. We signed up for it, along with most of the rest of the world in Copenhagen in 2009... read more>>
Ecotourism & Wildlife Trafficking
Carl Zeiss to sponsor 2015 Rhino Conservation Awards
Carl Zeiss Sports Optics GmbH of the ZEISS Group has undertaken to sponsor the annual Rhino Conservation Awards... read more>>
Experts in crisis talks to save rare rhino from extinction
Conservationists and scientists met in Kenya this week to come up with a last ditch plan to save the northern white rhinoceros from extinction... read more>>
SA takes valuable steps to develop renewable energy sector
The joint commitment in 2014 by China and the US to curb carbon emissions, is a turning point in global climate change history... read more>>
Vinyls Association to investigate PVC recycling
Annabé Pretorius of Plastix 911 has been appointed by the Southern African Vinyls Association (SAVA) to conduct the first ever survey into the state, scope and size of PVC recycling in South Africa... read more>>
Municipalities urged to care for the environment
Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs Barbara Thomson has called on municipalities to ensure the country's environment is clean... read more>>
New events to diarise
Water loss and pressure management workshop 2015
Ikhono Cosulting and Training - 26 Mar 2015 to 27 Mar 2015 Johannesburg

Kin Hubbard
"The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket."

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Launch: #Turtles in #WarmingWaters. Discover how climate change affects them http://t.co/CL64esIYlI RT http://t.co/JZOKZN97LS - Tue Feb 03
Ocean climate map helps fishing industry build resilience to #climatechange http://t.co/BQtuy4uBtB @ABCnews http://t.co/VBZEH10Gs4 - Tue Feb 03
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