2 Dec 2014Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Less flying has a positive impact on climate
[Franz Rentel] Flying is the mode of transport with the highest greenhouse gas emissions per passenger kilometre - five times higher than driving... read more>>

IFAW concerned about record level of rhino poaching
According to the latest statistics released by the Department of Environmental Affairs, 1,020 rhinoceros have been poached for their horn to date in 2014... read more>>
Climate change
'Ferrari of space' yields best map of ocean currents
A satellite dubbed the "Ferrari of space" has yielded the most accurate model of ocean circulation yet, boosting understanding of the seas and a key impact of global warming, scientists said on Tuesday, 25 November 2014... read more>>
IFAW exposes illegal wildlife cybertrade
A report, Wanted - Dead or Alive, Exposing Online Wildlife Trade, shows how thousands of endangered species are bought and sold online, many advertised without any form of supporting documentation. read more>>
Environmental impacts
Steel giant loses court battle over documents

Franny Rabkin

In a judgment with wider significance for industrial companies, the Supreme Court of Appeal on Wednesday, 26 November 2014, ordered steel producer ArcelorMittal SA to hand over environmental information to a lobby group... read more>>
Green building rating attracts investment, funding
Green building's sustainability factor is attracting investment and funding to all kinds of businesses, especially listed property companies like REITs, as more and more capital owners place a high priority on responsible investment... read more>>
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 115: Greenpop Zambia Festival of Action and Kilowatt AV
On the last Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show, host Warren Harding interviewed Misha Teasdale and Lauren O'Donnell from Greenpop, and Kilowatt AV CEO, Dillon Jearey... read more>>
[Biz Takeouts Lineup] 115: GreenPOP Zambia Festival of Action
Nelson Mandela
"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."

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"You either adjust or you don't survive" #Sustainablebusiness in the age of #climatechange http://t.co/GhhH2gPzvi - Tue Dec 02
Global Climate Talks Open with Push for Human Rights #green http://t.co/ewEgnixl0N - Tue Dec 02
The @EPA fights for safeguards on carbon pollution. Why? Because if they don't, no one will. RT to support the @EPA. http://t.co/4QNNLMM1nr - Tue Dec 02
RT @nytimes: New York City keeps getting more built up, but it looks like it's getting more trees, too http://t.co/z7ER3Aa242 http://t.co/n... - Tue Dec 02
Energy efficiency isn't low-hanging fruit "[It's] fruit lying on the ground. We only need to bend over & pick it up." http://t.co/o76DIjJGuc - Tue Dec 02
What's the most beautiful thing you've seen? http://t.co/MWgbmcyWUv - Tue Dec 02
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