18 Nov 2014Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret screenings
At a time when whole regions of the world are in drought, our oceans are dying, and severe weather is becoming the norm, Cowspiracy seeks to find the real reasons why and what we can do about it... read more>>

Mpuma Waste Buy-Back Centre re-launched
The Mpuma Waste Buy-Back Centre was recently re-launched to contribute in reducing illegal dumping, promoting a cleaner environment, reducing landfill costs and more... read more>>
Wind turbine tower production facility opens in WC
GRI Renewable Industries has opened its new R300m wind turbine tower production facility in Atlantis... read more>>
Environmental impacts
Company penalised in waste case
The Lydenburg Magistrate's Court has ordered Samancor Chrome to pay R200,000 for contravening the Environment Conservation Act... read more>>
Blue Moon is carbon neutral again!

Issued by Blue Moon Corporate Communications

For the fourth year in a row, Blue Moon Corporate Communications has received a carbon neutral rating, thus securing itself as one of the companies leading the green revolution... read more>>
Vision 2030 requires leadership and courage

Chris Whelan

Cape Town's socio-economic challenges cannot be overcome through narrow, sectarian politicking. read more>>
Atlantis ready to apply for SEZ status
Atlantis will soon apply to be designated a SEZ to encourage industrial growth in the area. Government also has plans to develop the West Coast as a green economy hub... read more>>
Prince William recruits Angry Birds to protect wildlife
LONDON: Prince William teamed up with the makers of Angry Birds to release a new game on Monday, 17 November, that will highlight the dangers of illegal poaching for animal species from elephants to anteaters. read more>>
Calls for Australia to follow US, China climate deal
Australia is now under pressure to follow the United States and China and ramp up efforts to combat climate change... read more>>
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Advanced carbon footprint masterclass
GCX Africa - 19 Nov 2014 to 20 Nov 2014 Cape Town

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Advanced carbon footprint masterclass
GCX Africa - 19 Nov 2014 to 20 Nov 2014 Cape Town

Advanced carbon footprint masterclass
GCX Africa - 19 Nov 2014 to 20 Nov 2014 Cape Town

Henry Ford
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

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How to make old homes energy efficient http://t.co/UYgM6we3ek - Tue Nov 18
Business Tools for Transformation: A #Sustainability SWOT and Creating a Step-Change toward Sustainability http://t.co/bvi8kDjaga - Tue Nov 18
Sustainable tourism in protected areas can be critical for their survival: http://t.co/TWT0VP43Iu #WorldParksCongress - Tue Nov 18
Africa's largest solar farm (325,480 PV modules) is now fully operational! http://t.co/JF4sv2VHaq http://t.co/9WsRNR6zVe - Tue Nov 18
RT @dodo: Tuna species was moved to the "vulnerable" category, meaning it's in danger of extinction: http://t.co/HH09ANcRUZ http://t.co/24N... - Tue Nov 18
Study reports dramatic decline in polar bear population: http://t.co/SpwphvWT0N - Tue Nov 18
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