31 Mar 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Weekly top stories
E-toll Alli gets tagged
The SA National Roads Agency Limited's head allegedly flouted regulations regarding proposed toll roads in Western Cape. There are also allegations of forgery of court documents in another legal battle... read more>>

Government appears to be listening; SMEs encouraged to keep engaging with the State in 2015

The 2015 Budget revealed a serious commitment from the state to growing small businesses - in this climate of constructive reform; SAICA's second SME survey could encourage the Department for Small Business Development (DSBD) to institute even more effective changes...


SABC News to scrap bulletins in Afrikaans, vernacular languages?

NEWSWATCH: SABC News is reported to be doing away with bulletins in Afrikaans and other vernacular languages, reports Thinus Ferreira, in Channel24...


SABC: Axing of board members is 'unlawful'

NEWSWATCH: BD Live reports that one of the SABC directors axed this week says the action is 'unlawful, motivated by malice and constitutes a purge'...


Ramaphosa to meet stakeholders over Eskom crisis

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa will continue engaging key stakeholders to address and find solutions to the challenges faced by the state power utility Eskom...


Social workers share their challenges
Judges come clean on riches

Pericles Anetos

All are equal before the law, but, as with everything else in life, even among judges it appears there are those who have much and those who do not... read more>>
China-Africa Health Collaboration focused on universal health coverage
The 5th International Roundtable on China-Africa Health Collaboration last week in Beijing explored how Chinese and African resources and experiences can be leveraged for greater health development... read more>>
Land ceilings could endanger food security

Koos Coetzee

It hasn't worked elsewhere, and if government goes ahead with land ceilings here, our food security will be seriously endangered... read more>>
Reserve Bank keeps repo rate unchanged
The Reserve Bank has kept the repo rate unchanged at 5.75% per annum... read more>>
Hi-tech roll call system will keep errant MPs honest
The days of MPs getting away with being absent from parliamentary sittings should be a thing of the past from next month when a biometric attendance system is finally activated... read more>>
Audit call 'triggered' removal of Eskom execs
The controversial suspension of Tshediso Matona and three other Eskom executives came just a week after they had initiated an audit of the parastatal's tender processes... read more>>
SKA African partner countries meet in Pretoria
Ministers from African member countries of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) mega project met in Pretoria on Wednesday to discuss future cooperation in radio astronomy... read more>>
Zuma: The need for black industrialists not racist
The need for black industrialists in the economy is not aimed at creating racism but rather at ridding the country of it, says Jacob Zuma... read more>>
DoC explains set box project process
The Department of Communications (DoC) says certain aspects of the Broadcasting Digital Migration process require detailed review... read more>>
Deadline to meet revised B-BBEE codes drawing closer
With only a few weeks remaining until the deadline for effectiveness of the Department of Trade and Industry's (dti's) revised broad-based black economic-empowerment (B-BBEE) codes, many sector codes will still not meet the extended 30 April deadline in terms of the re-alignment process... read more>>
Task team set up to address challenges in oil industry
A ministerial task team to address challenges in the oil and gas industry has been established at Saldanha Bay, said the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) on Monday... read more>>
NMMU to research faster, cheaper alternative to ADSL broadband
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) will conduct pioneering research around optical fibre data transport for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope... read more>>
Domestic, farm workers must benefit from labour programmes
PRETORIA: The Department of Labour and all its entities need to ensure that domestic and farm workers benefit from their delivery programmes, says Portfolio Committee on Labour Chairperson Lumka Yengeni... read more>>
Don't be afraid - engage with government

Denene Erasmus

Agriculture minister Senzeni Zokwana tells Denene Erasmus that farmers need not fear radical land reform policy changes because the government will never force them to abandon their farms... read more>>
New automotive centre set to transform economy
Secondary School Intervention Programme kicks off
Bid to dig up Rhodes

Shanaaz Eggington and Kingdom Mabuza

Gauteng spends R939m on education infrastructure
Symposium to encourage physical education in schools
The #RhodesMustFall campaign, the poolitics and the statue
Algerian authorities step up harassment of print media
ALGIERS, ALGERIA: Last week saw another attempt by the president's office to intimidate the opposition media... read more>>
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New events to diarise
Cyber espionage: the next big threat
Ekwinox Int - 14 May 2015 to 15 May 2015, Johannesburg

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