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SA prepares to mark anniversary of Madiba's passing
Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini has called on all sectors of society to use the first anniversary of the passing of former President Nelson Mandela to keep his memory alive and to promote social cohesion... read more>>

Power system to remain tight: Eskom
The power system is expected to remain very tight over the next few days, with Eskom doing all it can to avoid load shedding... read more>>
New PRASA locomotives unveiled
Mosenngwa Mofi, the CEO of the Passenger Rail Services of South Africa (PRASA), says the unveiling of new locomotives will change the lives of commuters for the better... read more>>
SA commemorates World Aids Day in Welkom

Nosihle Shelembe

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa handed out pamphlets and engaged with residents of Welkom in the Free State during the national commemoration of World Aids Day... read more>>
Economic growth key to reducing unemployment: Deputy President
South Africa needs to accelerate its rate of economic growth if it is to meaningfully reduce its levels of unemployment, says Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa... read more>>
IFAW concerned about record level of rhino poaching
According to the latest statistics released by the Department of Environmental Affairs, 1,020 rhinoceros have been poached for their horn to date in 2014... read more>>
VAT is the elephant in tax-policy room
The Davis Tax Committee report and findings on base erosion and profit shifting may have a "significant impact" on future policy decisions... read more>>
Online censorship looming?
NEWSWATCH: 'The Film and Publications Board has selectively released a contentious draft policy for original content distributed online in South Africa', reports Mail & Guardian... read more>>
PetroSA boss fired
The board of the Central Energy Fund (CEF), on 27 November 2014, rescinded the appointment of Tshepo Kgadima as chairman of state oil company PetroSA... read more>>
SME's have strong advice for the new minister of Small Business Development
South Africa's SMEs are ready to be called to action in support of growth and job creation - but they say they need a more enabling environment from government... read more>>
State wastes, misspends R62bn
Irregular spending of public money by national and provincial government departments climbed from R27bn in the year to March 2013 to more than R62bn in the year to March... read more>>
AG's provincial audit results in numbers
Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu says provincial governments showed a lot of improvement in this year's audit cycle compared to the 2012/13 financial year... read more>>
Incentives proposed to reward saving taxpayers
National Treasury wants people to look into taking up non-retirement savings products as the current household savings study paints a bleak picture of the future... read more>>
Joemat-Peterssen faces probe calls over PetroSA
Opposition parties want Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Peterssen investigated for misleading the public over her role in the appointment of PetroSA chair Tshepo Kgadima... read more>>
Eskom records R9.3bn in profit
Eskom last week reported a profit of R9.3bn for the six months ended on 30 September 2014. This is down 24% from R12.2bn for the same period the previous year... read more>>
Reportable arrangements: Proposed Replacements of existing notices

Megan McCormack

Section 35(2) of the Tax Administration Act, No 28 of 2011 (TAA), currently provides that an arrangement will be reportable, among others, if it is listed as such by the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (SARS) by public notice, and if the commissioner is satisfied that the arrangement may lead to an undue tax benefit... read more>>
SA government awaiting report on Afghan killing
Microsoft says it pays Chinese taxes after cryptic media report
BEIJING, CHINA: Software giant Microsoft said Wednesday that it pays Chinese taxes "consistent" with a China-US bilateral agreement, following a cryptic media report that a foreign company with similarities to it agreed to settle a multi-million dollar bill for back taxes... read more>>
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Top story: AU chairwoman Dlamini-Zuma failing to lead | Columnists | BDlive http://t.co/xTXWr8vHjN, see more http://t.co/ikUIZFT69A - Tue Dec 02
Reserve Bank warns of depressing outlook for SA economy http://t.co/Y4s27isBfi - Tue Dec 02
New African's Most Influential Africans of 2014 Includes a Pride of South Africans http://t.co/ex4SteEe2e via @BooksLIVESA # Honoured - Tue Dec 02
RT @amliveonsafm: Eskom is to increase electricity tariffs by 13% next year. Do you think this will address the issues? @SakinaKamwendo #sa... - Tue Dec 02
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