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Directing In Defense of My Art

Tumi, featuring Reason and Ziyon, recently released their music video for In Defense of My Art. With a visually and provocatively strong African aesthetic the video has already received a fair amount of feedback. We chatted to award-winning director Kyle Lewis from Arcade Content to find out more.
Directing In Defense of My Art

How did you come up with the concept for the In Defense of My Art music video?

The song itself spoke to me immediately. The fight to defend who you are and what you stand for. The concept is a visual piece that expels Western ideas to rather focus on the beauty of a South African setting.

What was the filming process like; what was it like working with Tumi?

Tumi was incredible. He trusted me 100% and for the first time I was able to express my creativity as a director without having to compromise at any point.

What were the main messages you wanted to convey behind the iconography used?

The main goal with each image is to push a point, to show how as South Africans we are so influenced by American hip hop culture, but we have the strongest, most powerful aesthetic right here in South Africa. The concept is to show how this influence has corrupted us and clouded our true voice - and it's time we stand up and take control of this.

Directing In Defense of My Art

In only a few days the video has already received a fair amount of views and praise. What do you think makes an eye-catching and popular video these days?

I think if you truly have something to say and express, an audience will respond. The fear that a video will not be well received is the main contributor to the visual becoming diluted and like everything out there. Think big. Think different.

Released on the same day as Die Antwoord's Ugly Boy, a few comparisons are being made. What are your thoughts on this?

Any time an artist has a controversial comment to say it will definitely be compared to other things. Die Antwoord have pushed the local aesthetic to an international platform, thereby almost creating a new genre. I am proud that there are comparisons as I feel that they are true artists and visionaries. (Also, in our defence, our video was shot at the beginning of May).

Directing In Defense of My Art

You seem to have quite a distinct motif when it comes to your music videos. How would you describe your style?

I like to vary my style as much as possible, but I am a big fan of composed, high-fashion-type aesthetics. The reality of the world can be depressing, so I always add a sense of surrealism in all I do, because at the end of the day as filmmakers we must offer our audience a sense of escapism.

Congrats on winning a SAMA for The Parlotones Sleepwalker video. What was this like? Did winning make any impact on your career?

The SAMA award has definitely given me a bit of street cred and has brought me some very exciting artists to work with! It was such a great honour to be noticed, but my greatest honour is to continue to create beautiful images and the SAMA definitely awarded me this.

Directing In Defense of My Art

There has been some really great production and videos coming out of South Africa recently. What is some of your favourite local work?

The local scene is on fire at the moment and I couldn't be happier. My favourites out there are by directors Ryan Kruger and Tristan Holmes.

What's your background? How did you get into directing?

I knew I wanted to direct from the first time I saw a 'making of' Jurassic Park as a child. So, from a young age, I knew my direction and pushed for it! I studied at AFDA Cape Town, where I completed my Honours BA in directing and writing.

Any interesting forthcoming projects you can share with us?

Got a big video for Danny K coming up, as well as a feature, which is in development.

View Kyle Lewis's showreel

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