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Country Road Group to acquire Politix
Country Road Group to acquire Politix
Country Road Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Woolworths Holdings Limited, has agreed to acquire Politix, an Australian menswear brand with 75 stores, including 31 concessions across Australia and FY2016 sales of $56m... read
Oreo launches Oreo Golden in South Africa
World Food Day receives pledge from RCL Foods
World Food Day receives pledge from RCL Foods
RCL Foods is calling on South Africans to #DOMORE and donate a meal through its Facebook campaign. It will donate a meal to a needy person this World Food Day for every 'like' its CSI Facebook page receives... read
Local partnerships could change the game for budding entrepreneurs in SA
Local partnerships could change the game for budding entrepreneurs in SA

Issued by Nona Creative

Nona Holdings, Shopstar and Kamers have joined forces to give e-commerce the push it needs in helping SA businesses develop more holistically... read
Wilderer Distillery wins at Michelangelo International Wine and Spirits Awards
Wilderer Distillery wins at Michelangelo International Wine and Spirits Awards
At the recent Michelangelo International Wine and Spirits Awards, Wilderer Distillery received two gold medals and a silver medal... read
From left: Trevor Strydom (MD of Audacia Wines) and Ernest du Toit (Director of SARC and CEO of Annique)
SA Rooibos IP innovation attracts international attention
The extensive trademarks and patents protecting two South African botanical treasures, Rooibos and Honeybush, caught the attention of the international community... read
#FreshOnTheShelf: DENNY® launches mushroom burger patties
#FreshOnTheShelf: DENNY® launches mushroom burger patties
DENNY® has launched South Africa's first mushroom burger patties, DENNY® Mushroom Burgers... read
Source: Google
Google takes on rivals with Pixel phone, new hardware
Google took on rivals Apple, Samsung and Amazon in a new push into hardware on Tuesday, launching premium-priced Pixel smartphones... read
POPI looms - what it means for your business
POPI looms - what it means for your business

Alison Treadaway

Government's implementation of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) will soon be a reality, and this has far-reaching implications for businesses... read
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Masters of Business Lunch and Learn
PR Expert - 11 Oct 2016, Johannesburg | 12 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Short course in customer experience practice
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Marketing, communication and customer relations
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Hands-on supply chain management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 7 Nov 2016 to 11 Nov 2016, Pretoria

Professional sales
The Peer Training Group - 7 Dec 2016, Johannesburg

Baltasar Gracian
"Know or listen to those who know."

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Samsung buys AI assistant Viv https://t.co/aZC3XjlZyU
Considering throwing away those bruised apples? Think again https://t.co/8Z2oBGRGIk #foodwaste #photography https://t.co/3fCqzHdiiu
Yahoo built a program to sift through user emails - report https://t.co/202luNjBDD
Lack of competition in SA enables cartel conduct, reports @LindaEnsor https://t.co/dxJpXFjraI https://t.co/3YJcC1kLH7
Knowing the best times to post your social media content can make all the difference ?? https://t.co/FEK0HoF1vh https://t.co/TcLhpTWFRE
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